Page 163 of Bound in Darkness

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“Face it, Chase. I acted like a spoiled brat. Even when we were in a car accident in the woods because I grabbed the steering wheel, I blamed you instead of me because of the guilt I felt in destroying the one piece of my brother I had left. But it was more than that.” Averting her gaze, she bites her lip. “I knew my feelings for you were far deeper than I wanted to admit. It was easier to blame you and push you away, rather than deal with what I was feeling. It was complicated and I took the easy way out.” Bright amber eyes, full of love and adoration, lift to mine. “Even after I unfairly accused you of horrible things I had no right to shoot off about after we wrecked, the second I was in trouble, you dropped any negative emotion, including anger, and saved me. Because you loved me, no matter what.”

She blinks again and the tears she’s shedding cause a lump to form in my throat, making it hard to swallow. My heart constricts inside my chest. “No matter what came our way, you loved me through it. The good and the bad. You were a role model, the maturity I aspired to. The gentle heart that could endure whatever agony life threw at you, yet still be warm, kind, and forgiving. The man who knew what he wanted and never wavered. The guy who showed me—and still does, every single day—what unconditional love really is.”

Blowing out a long breath, she beams at me. “I’m proud of the woman I’ve become. But I wouldn’t be who I am today without the lessons you taught me. I wouldn’t love myself this much if I didn’t have you showing me how to love.” Lifting my hands, she kisses my knuckles, her eyes locked on mine. “You’ve loved me through whatever hell or happiness came my way. In your arms, I’ve discovered home. You’re my home, Chase.”

I’m overwrought with emotion, the familiar prickle of tears behind my lids as I stare at the beautiful girl I plan to look at for the rest of my life. “You’re my home, Mackenzie. Loving you, while it wasn’t always easy, it’s always been worth it. I wouldn’t change one damn thing—not the hatred you felt for me when I first met you, the captivity by the crazy cult and the hell we endured there, or the hostility your mom displayed toward me and our relationship—for fear I wouldn’t be here with you. The love we share is special, magical, and unending. It’s you and me for an eternity.” Leaning across the table, I press a gentle kiss on her lips, tasting the salt from the tears that course down her cheeks. When I pull back, she’s radiant, ethereal, and timeless.

No matter what happens in my life or where she and I end up, I’ll always remember this moment.

“Where you go, I go. You’re home to me, Kenz.”

She nods vigorously. “Always, Chase. I love you.”

My heart overflows with love for her. “I love you with all of me, Kenz.”

From the corner of my eye, I see someone heading toward our table. I clear my throat, giving Mackenzie a bright smile, before turning my attention to the woman who is now standing beside us.

“Hello. Welcome to the Cozy Corner Café. My name is Stacey—” Her gaze moves from Mackenzie to me and she freezes, her mouth dropping open. Wide-eyed, she says, “Chase? Chase Landon?”

“Oh my God. Stacey? Stacey Hammond?”

“Yes! It’s been a long time.” Her hand moves to her chest, her smile wide and welcoming. “How have you been?”

I smile at Mackenzie before my gaze returns to Stacey. “I’ve been great. How have you been? Are you and Matt still together?”

“Yes. We moved back to town three months ago.” She shakes her head, shoulder-length brown hair swishing around her shoulders. “I can’t believe it. Matt and I were just talking about you and wondered if you still lived in the area.”

My smile falters, thinking of the dilapidated mobile home I used to live in that was about five miles from their house. “I don’t live where I used to, but I’m still in the area.” I squeeze Mackenzie’s hand. “Mackenzie, this is Stacey Hammond. I used to work for her and her husband.”

Mackenzie’s eyes widened, thinking about what I told her in the attic. She recovers quickly, her expression changing to a warm smile. “Hi, Stacey. I’m Chase’s girlfriend.”

Stacey beams a huge smile at Mackenzie, then turns to me with a twinkle in her eye. “I can see that.” She nods to our joined hands on the table, her eyes on mine. “I’ve never seen you so happy.” Her gaze slides to Mackenzie. “I can certainly see why.”

Mackenzie blushes as Stacey and I make small talk, catching up before she waves her hand dismissively. “I’m so sorry. I was so excited to see you that I’ve neglected to give you menus.” Setting them in front of us, she makes a few recommendations before she says, “Matt is supposed to come in as soon as he gets back. He and his crew were working out of town. He should be here in about fifteen minutes. He’ll be excited to see you.”

I nod. “I’m excited to see him.” My gaze moves to Mackenzie. “What do you want to drink, angel?”

Mackenzie gives Stacey her beverage order, then I give her mine.

“I’ll be right back with your drinks and to take your order.”

When she walks away, Mackenzie leans forward. “Oh my gosh, Chase. That’s who you worked for to make money for you and Elsie, right?” Her voice is hushed, a stunned expression in her eyes as though she can’t believe it. I can’t either. When Stacey and Matt moved, I never thought I’d see them again.

“That’s them. Who would have ever thought we’d cross paths again?”

“Everything happens for a reason, Chase. I’m a firm believer of that.”

Giving her a meaningful look, I squeeze her hand before releasing it so we can look at the menu. “I wholeheartedly agree.”



I’m in a daze as I park the car, then hurry around to Mackenzie’s side to open her door.I can’t believe Matt and Stacey returned.

Stacey mentioned she could use some help in the café and gave us a pointed look. Mackenzie’s excited expression told me everything I needed to know, but I held up a hand and asked Stacey if we could let her know by January second at the latest. She readily agreed.

Mackenzie and I could work together. That would be a dream.
