Page 22 of Bound in Darkness

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“Move.” Orpheus’s sinister voice draws my attention to him. His massive six-foot-two or three frame towers behind her. His cold, soulless eyes stare into mine before dipping to the way I’m holding Mackenzie. When he meets my gaze again, an evil smirk covers his painted white lips.

Fuck you, asshole. You think Mackenzie is my weakness, but she’s not. She’s my strength.

Pulling back, our eyes lock and hold before I step aside, guiding her up the stairs ahead of me, following closely behind to put a barrier between her and the two freaks.

When we reach the top of the steps, Orpheus shoves me. Although I was braced for him to do something to me, the strength behind his hands is so powerful that I stumble forward, ramming into Mackenzie. She lurches forward, falling in slow motion. I do the only thing I can think of and dive in front of her, my hands grabbing my hoodie that she’s wearing to ensure she falls on top of me.

I wince as the hard, uneven boards dig into my back, my spine throbbing from my weight, then hers, pushing it into the cold, dirty floor.

“What a hero.” His sarcastic voice is as hard as granite. Black combat boots fill my vision as Orpheus steps closer. My gaze slides up his black jeans, then to the open black robe that hangs to his knees. He’s shirtless beneath it, ridges of his muscular chest peeking out beneath the opening.

He sneers at us, the look conveying how he feels about me and my protectiveness of Mackenzie.

“Nice robe,” I deadpan sarcastically. “Trying to be Hugh Hefner, huh?”

An evil chuckle leaves his lips before his massive boot connects with the side of my torso. A pained hiss comes from my lips as Mackenzie screams.

“Stop it.” Mackenzie glares at Orpheus before turning to me. “Are you okay?”

I nod, beads of sweat dotting my forehead as the pain courses through me. “I’m fine,” I grunt out through clenched teeth.

Black gloved hands reach down, grabbing Mackenzie. Her small hands feebly try to cling to my T-shirt. I grab for her a few seconds too late as Orpheus pulls her away, my bound wrists constraining my ability to protect her.

Ignoring the pain, I sit up, my breaths sawing from my lungs.

“Get up,” Orpheus commands.

My body quivers and shudders from the agony coursing through me as I struggle to get to my feet. Mackenzie bends, small hands gripping mine, helping to haul me up as Orpheus watches with amusement.

When I’m on my feet, Mackenzie and I cling to one another, her small hands fisting my shirt while her head is against my chest. I desperately wish I could wrap my arms around her instead of awkwardly holding her, trying to offer some comfort and protection from the monster in front of us.

Correction: themonstersin front of us.

The dark-haired woman stands silently behind Orpheus, a veil covering her face. Her long dress reaches the floor as she stands still, hands clasped together.

“Why don’t you untie me, fucker?” I taunt, knowing I’m in no position to fight him, even if my hands were free. But I’d sure as hell try.

“In due time. It amuses me watching the two of you clinging to one another, wishing your arms were free so you couldcuddle.” He says the last word like it's poisonous, his painted face twisting in disgust. “It’s humorous watching you puff up like a protective hero, boy.” His sinister smile reveals pointed canines, evil radiating from him, filling every molecule of the room.

Rage rises inside me, turning the room red. “Make no mistake, you vile motherfucker. I’ll do anything to keep her safe, including killing you without a second thought.”

Dark laughter spills from his lips, making his large torso shake. “You’re humorous, boy. You can’t kill me. I’m invincible.”

“I’m not a boy, asshole. And you’re fucking delusional.” My gaze roams around the attic. “Let me get my hands on a weapon of some sort, and I’ll prove you can be killed.”

“C-Chase. S-Stop.” Mackenzie trembles in my arms, a death grip on my T-shirt. “Please, don’t. I couldn’t stand it if he separated us again,” she whispers.

As if I’d let that happen. Even with my hands bound, Orpheus would have to rip off my limbs and kill me first.

I stare him down with a challenge in my narrowed eyes, my hands clenched into fists.

“Calm down,boy.” Orpheus flashes an evil grin as he paces slightly, the ends of his robe lifting from his movement. “I’ll kick your ass later. I have important work to do.” He lifts an arm, pushing long dark hair away from his face. The tattoo on his forearm snags my attention. It’s a skull with a crow sitting on top of its head while another one sits beside it. A long vine of black roses wraps around the skull, the thorns dripping blood.

“Untie us, let us the fuck outta here, and go do whatever it is you need to do,” I snap.

Orpheus shoots me a dark look, stopping in front of me. With a speed someone his size shouldn’t possess, his fist shoots out, hitting me in the eye.

“Fuck.” I stumble slightly from the hit, focusing on staying upright so I don’t fall and take Mackenzie with me.
