Page 40 of Bound in Darkness

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My loud sob fills the basement of the dank, eerie basement church. Relief loosens my tense muscles and takes the edge off my hysteria. “C-Chase,” I whimper through quivering lips, squeezing his fingers that grasp mine with every bit of strength I possess.

Although agony contorts his sweaty face, he flashes me a tight smile. “I’m here.”

Chase’s face distorts from the tears that fill my eyes, flooding down my cheeks. I match his smile, aware that the pain has lessened because I’m focused on him. “D-Don’t l-leave m-me.”

“N-Never. R-Remember… our s-saying.”

I nod, too weak to say it. But it flashes through my head.Where you go, I go.

The color drains from Chase’s face, leaving him unnaturally pale. Terror fills my heart.Shit. He’s gonna pass out.Seconds later, his head lowers to the altar beside me, face turned toward mine. I squeeze his fingers, but they are slack against mine. Just like they were when he passed out before we were kidnapped and dumped into the trunk of the monster’s car.

“Chase. P-Please.” The lump in my throat cuts off my remaining pleas for him to wake up.

Orpheus’s hand closes around my throat, drawing my gaze to his soulless eyes as he leans over, snarling at me from behind the mask. His grip is too tight, but I can’t fight it since my wrists are bound. I hear a man and a woman yelling, but it’s distorted as my vision blackens.

Is it real or my imagination?I gasp, trying to suck in oxygen.Why can’t I breathe? Is this really happening?

Spots fill my vision. I turn my eyes toward Chase, who lies slack beside me. I can’t tell if he’s breathing or not.

I don’t wanna do this without him. I know he made me promise I’d keep fighting, but the darkness that beckons me is so strong.

Where you go, I go.

Yes. I want to go with Chase, wherever that is.

The flash of a blue robe appears as a strong hand reaches out, grabbing Orpheus’s arm.

But he’s too late to save me.

My eyes are locked on Chase. My foster brother, once my enemy, became my hero, my savior, in more ways than he’ll ever know.

A smile curls my lips as my mind fills with images of Chase. The love in his eyes envelopes me, making me feel safe.

I’m coming to join you, whiskey tango.

My vision darkens from the darkness as it swallows me whole.



Iblink against the intrusion of light hitting my face. Frowning, my hand lifts to cover my face.What are you doing? The shackles won’t allow it.

Surprisingly, my hand touches my face. My eyes fly open, my brain struggling to process what is happening.Am I alive? Or with Chase in the afterlife?

Chase. Where is he?

I lift my head, a wave of nausea and dizziness washing over me. I groan, closing my eyes against the bright light. It’s too much, making my head pound.

“Oh, good. You’re awake.” Rosario’s soft voice causes my eyes to fly open. I stare at her, uncomprehending what is happening.

“Rosario.” My mouth is as dry as cotton. I lick my lips, a metallic taste hitting my tongue. Chase’s blood.

Taking a deep breath, I try to sit up. The room spins around me. Rosario’s hands wrap around my arm. “Breathe, Mackenzie.” She brings a cup of water to my parched lips. “Sip slowly.”

As the refreshing water hits my tongue, I close my eyes, relishing in it. My body begins coming alive as I keep sipping, so I greedily try to drink more.I need to find Chase. Where is he?

“No, Mackenzie.” Rosario removes the cup of water from my lips. “Sip slowly.”
