Page 36 of Primal

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Usually, people who are crossed by me hate me instantly. By the time I’ve done as much property damage and caused as much chaos as I have already caused, they usually want me dead on sight.

It takes me a very long moment to collect my thoughts, let alone my feelings. I know I have never felt as cozy as I do right now, or as safe. Not just safe from the outside world and all the terrible things that could potentially arise in it, but from my inner demons. I feel as though I could curl up with him and never have to worry about my own wildness again. When I look into Thorn’s eyes, I see a possible future in which things are sane and safe — including me.

It’s an intriguing possibility, but it comes with a side of the new emotion that seems to accompany literally every thought I have — fear. I can’t let myself be captured and tamed this easily. I can’t just give into captivity. That goes against every single one of my principals, the few of them that are left. It also freaks me the hell out. I have been roaming this universe being generally awful for years now. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be terrible in one place with one person. It feels like that would be entirely odd and maybe even impossible for me.

Whatever this guy wants, it’s not me. He might be confused now, but I know better. People think I’m hot and exciting at first. That’s how I recruited most of my crew. But the appeal wears off after a while, and the attraction turns to disdain or worse. I don’t really feel like being abandoned by a saurian alpha in a few months’ time when he inevitably gets bored of me or irrevocably annoyed by me.

“I thought being terrified and weak would be a turn off for you.”

“No. Because I can then comfort you and look after you until you are brave and bold once more. And then I can hunt you down and bring you back from wherever it is you have run off to.”

“You’re not angry I ran, then.”

“Not at all. I enjoyed the hunt. And I especially enjoyed the capture. Reclaiming you publicly, making you come on my cock while everybody watched your sweet shame was a delicious adventure I would happily repeat.”

I find myself blushing but not disagreeing. It was incredibly hot to be treated in such a way, to be punished and cherished and displayed all at once. I can feel my pussy responding even now, tightening at the memory of having been ravaged so roughly.

I wonder if I really have a choice in staying and being his. It feels as though fate has wrapped itself around me and is holding me right where I need to be. Thorn has no intention of letting me go, and now that I’ve been caught, a second escape will not be easy. He reaches a strong, saurian arm around my waist and snugs me close to his body. I feel myself respond to his presence with a rush of arousal that brings me deep pleasure and even more anticipation. Being around Thorn is like being attached to a machine that produces nothing but excitement and need. It’s like having a chip in my head, but the chip makes me want to be fucked.

“I like your blushes,” he murmurs, letting a rough finger play over my cheek then slip under my chin and raise my face to his. “And I adore your moans. But there is more you need, isn’t there. There is pain, and there is atonement. There is being something you have never been in your entire life….”

“What is that?”

“Sorry,” he growls. “I am going to make you very, very sorry.”

I feel my pussy start to well with desire. I want him inside me. I want him to absolutely obliterate me so I don’t have to think another thought.

“You’re sore, aren’t you?” He growls the question softly. “I made your pussy very sore yesterday, didn’t I?”

“Yes,” I moan.

He puts me on my back and begins to punish me all over again. This time my ass is safe, but a more sensitive, tender part of my anatomy is not. He picks up the lash, which is thick enough to cover my entire pussy. I know this for a fact when he brings it down with a flick of his wrist, and the infernal sensation bursts over my pussy and clit in a flash of heat and sting.

“Put your hands down,” he orders. “Don’t you dare try to cover your soft sex. I am going to lash this pussy, and then I am going to fuck it, and you are going to take this punishment because you know you deserve it. Both for what you have done recently, and what you have done in the past.”

My lips are swollen and wet, and every time the lash lands the liquid I am producing is spread across my cunt. Being spanked wet hurts a lot more than being punished in my normal state. There’s no escaping the lash, either. He is holding me in place and making sure every single one of these terribly punishing slaps lands directly over my pussy, catching my lower lips every time, and sometimes, when it lands a little higher, making my clit pulse inside her hidden little hood.

Within minutes, he has me writhing in aroused agony. I am just as sore as he promised I would be, and yet all I want his his cock inside me. He is above me, between my legs, his thick red and gold saurian cock hard and throbbing every time he lifts the lash and brings it down. He regards me with a triumphant gaze of desire, a look that makes fresh heat bolt through me.

He is going to fuck me again. I know it.

I cry out as he pushes inside me, my swollen lips gripping him, my molten wet interior saturating him. I am tight as hell, but he has primed me for this rough claiming. His kisses run down my throat as he arches his hips and forces the length of his cock into me in one long thrust that fills me all the way up, leaving no room for anything else.

“It hurts,” I whimper, not wanting him to stop, and knowing that he will not.

“Good,” he purrs sweetly, drawing his cock out of my tender sex only to drive it back in again in another one of those impossibly powerful thrusts that makes me feel as though he has complete mastery of me in every way. In his arms, I lose myself. I lose the drive to disobey and to rebel and to fight as I feel myself sinking into a state of submission I truly never thought I would experience.

I float in that post-coital haze for what must be minutes, but truly feels like hours. There is a timelessness to the moments spent in Thorn’s arms. Everything about this world is primal, but he makes me feel as though we exist before the creation of silly things like seconds, minutes, hours. There’s only a big, endless nowness when I am with him.



“It’s time to apologize.”

“Really? After all of that? You still don’t feel like I’ve made amends?”

I am aching inside and out. I know once the pleasure wears off, I am going to be very, very sore in the most intimate of ways for quite some time. It was worth it as far as I am concerned. For that kind of orgasm, I’d take all manner of intimate punishment. I’d let Thorn do with me as he pleases, which is just as well because he is going to do with me as he pleases.
