Page 15 of Protecting Lila

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“How are things on base?”Gates asks me as he leans back in his chair.

“It’s fine,” I say distractedly.

I’ve been distracted for the last four days. Ever since Lila told me that we should just stay away from each other.

I tried to lose myself in work, but that didn’t work. All I can think about is Lila. I keep wondering what she’s doing and if she’s being safe. I’ve been staying up every night to make sure that she’s home and no one is lurking around our apartment building. She even follows me into my dreams, and I wake up wishing that we were really tangled up in bed together.

When work didn’t work, I decided to change tactics. So, I called my friends and asked if they wanted to catch up over dinner. I’m hoping that hanging out with the guys helps keep my mind off of my curvy neighbor.

So far, it hasn’t worked.

“How’s the apartment working out?” Kye asks me.

“It’s fine.”

The guys share a look and I know that I’m not being very social. I invited them out, and I’ve been staring off into space for most of the dinner.

“Sorry, I’ve just been distracted.”

“With your neighbor?” Rhett guesses, and I blink.

“Yeah, how did you know that?”

“We have eyes,” Gate deadpans.

“Yeah, we all saw you drooling over her when you moved in. I figured you had been spending more time over at her place than your new one,” Anson quips.

“I wish,” I mumble.

“She’s not into you?” Rhett asks.

“She is,” I tell them, and they frown.

“Then what’s the problem?”

“I don’t want to…” I trail off.

“Be with her?” Anson finishes, and I shake my head.

“No, I want to be with her. I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to put down any roots here when I’m trying my hardest to leave and go back to active duty.”

“Okay, well, what do you want more?” Gates asks. “To leave or to be with your little neighbor?”


The answer is there as soon as he finishes the question. I want Lila. I want her more than anything. That’s why I can’t stop thinking about her. It’s why I’ve been miserable since she walked away from me the other night. It’s why I haven’t been fixated on hating this place so much since I moved in. I need her.

And she needs me too,I think as I remember the man who was prowling around the parking lot. I haven’t seen him since, but I read that there have been a lot of break ins and muggings in our area. I’m guessing that he was looking for an easy score and I scared him off. Still, he could come back, or someone else could target her.She needs me to protect her and look out for her.


“Then what the hell are you doing?” Gates asks, and I huff out a laugh.

“I have no freaking idea,” I admit.

“It’s alright. We didn’t either, but it worked out fine for us,” Rhett says with an easy smile.
