Page 19 of Protecting Lila

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“What about trips?”

“No, we never had time for that,” I admit.

“Where would you go if price wasn’t an option?”

“Anywhere. Everywhere,” I tell him with a laugh. “There’s so many places that I’d like to see.”

“What’s stopping you?”

“Money. I, um, I had cancer, and all of our money was going towards treatment.”

He stiffens, and I do too. I hate having this talk. I hate telling anyone about me having cancer. They all react the exact same way.

First, they’re in shock that someone so young could have been so sick. Then they all give me the same pitying look.

“I had surgery a few months ago, and it’s all gone. I’m in remission now,” I rush to assure him, and his jaw loosens.

“Good. Fuck, Lila, that must have been so hard. I’m sorry that you had to go through that.”

“Me too,” I say softly. “It’s over now, though. I just have to go in for checkups a little more frequently than most people.”

“I love how positive you always are, sunshine.”

“I love it when you call me sunshine,” I admit, and we share a smile.

“Welcome to Myron’s. Can I get you two started with something to drink?”

I let Warren order us some wine, and then we both order our entrees. I get the salmon because I’ve had that before once and remember liking it. Warren orders the surf and turf, and then the waiter leaves us alone once again.

“Did you have a big family?” I ask him, wanting to steer us to happier topics.

“No. You?”

“No, It was just my parents and Pia. Though I always say that Pia and I are like sisters and that she’s all that I ever needed.”

“That’s your best friend?” He guesses, and I nod.

“Yeah, we’ve been inseparable forever.”

“That must have been nice to have a lifelong friend like that.”

“Yeah, I don’t know how I would have gotten through life without her.”

“What about your parents?” He asks, and my smile drops.

“They were… not the best.”

He sits up straighter in his chair, and I force a smile to my lips.

“I had Pia, and her parents were awesome. They took me in, but they passed away a few years ago.”

“I’m sorry, Lila.”

“It’s okay. I still have Pia.”

The waiter comes back with our wine and water for each of us.

“What about you?” I ask him.
