Page 21 of Protecting Lila

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He hops out of the truck, and I gather my things as he opens my door and offers me his hand. He keeps hold of my fingers as we head up to our apartments. We stop outside of my door and I turn to smile up at him.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say, and he nods, looking hopeful and happy.

“I’ll see you then,” he says quietly as his head dips towards me.

I lick my lips, my hands resting on his chest as I offer my mouth to him for a kiss.

His lips land on mine and I melt against him, letting him take control as his mouth moves over mine. His lips are so firm yet supple, and I moan as his tongue licks against the seam of my lips.

I open for him, greedy for a taste of him. His tongue tangles with mine, and my hands cling to his shirt as I’m swept away by his kiss. His hands land on my hips and he pulls me flush against him. I moan as I feel his hard cock press against my stomach.

Heat flows through me at the contact, and I find myself wanting to climb him like a tree.

“Excuse me,” a man says behind me, and I jump, squeaking as I pull away from Warren and back into my apartment door.

The man passes us and I look up at Warren. We both start laughing at the same time and I smile.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow,” he agrees. “Sleep tight.”

“Sweet dreams,” I say as I unlock my door and wave goodbye to Warren.

I smile as I lock the door behind me and head towards my room. Now I just need to cool off a bit so that I can fall asleep soon.

Somehow I don’t think that that’s going to happen.



I’m running lateand cursing the Los Angeles traffic as I finally pull into the apartment parking lot and throw my truck into park. I climb out and race up the stairs and into my place. I’m supposed to pick Lila up for our second date in twenty minutes, and I’m not about to mess things up by being late.

I know that Lila said she forgave me last night, but I need to make sure that I stay on her good side. I’m not going to blow things with her.

I take the fastest shower of my life, pull on a clean shirt and jeans, then stuff my feet into my socks and shoes and race out the door. Luckily, my girl lives right next door and the commute is quick.

I knock on Lila’s door right at seven o’clock and she answers a moment later.

“Hey, sunshine. You look beautiful,” I tell her, leaning down to brush a kiss against her cheek.

“Thanks. You don’t look so bad yourself,” she says with a bright smile.

She grabs her purse and closes the door after herself. I wait for her to lock it before I take her hand and we head downstairs and over to my truck.

“How was work?”

“It was good. We ran late a little bit,” I tell her, and she laughs.

“I know. I saw your mad dash upstairs,” she admits, and I grin.

“Lucky for me, I can get ready fast.”

“Where are we going tonight?” She asks, and I open the door for her.

“I thought we could grab some dinner and then maybe catch a movie. Or take a walk on the beach?”

“Sounds good.”
