Page 48 of Hard and Fast

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Together they moaned as he lunged deep. Once. Twice. And then she exploded, her muscles grabbing at his hard length, milking him for their mutual pleasure. He pumped into her one more time, then his body stiffened before shuddering.

Slowly, their bodies softened into satisfied bliss. Time passed as they remained in that embrace. Amanda wasn’t sure how long. She only knew that she had just had the best sex of her life. And there was something else. Lying here naked, cradled close to Brad, felt comfortable, like a place she never wanted to leave.

Before she had time to give that idea any consideration, Brad lifted his head, resting his weight on his elbows. “I have a serious question for you.”

Uncertainty made her heart skip a beat. “Yes?”

He tilted his head slightly, as if he was giving her closer inspection. “Are you hungry?”

She blinked, not sure she’d heard right. “What?”

“Are you hungry?”

“I…uh…” Her stomach actually felt empty, though the question seemed oddly timed. After all, the man was still inside her. “Yes. I’m hungry.”

He smiled. “Good.” Satisfaction showed on his face and he gave her a quick kiss. “Because good sex always makes me hungry. I figure if you’re hungry, then it was good for you, too.”

Amanda shook her head in disbelief and started laughing. “You’re kidding.”

He frowned a bit. “It was good for you, right?”

How could he even question such a thing considering what they’d shared? Still, a part of her warmed that he had asked. That he hadn’t assumed she’d been into it.

“You know very well it was good for me,” she told him.

“A guy can never be too sure.” He rolled off her, and started to get up, then returned to kiss her. “And since we are putting things on the record tonight, I take good sex and food quite seriously.” Then he smiled. “Let’s order takeout.”

Pushing to his feet, he gave her a great view of his nicely shaped butt. He headed to the bathroom, completely comfortable in his nudity. Only a moment later, he settled back on the bed and handed her a towel.

While he reached for the phone book by her bedside, Amanda started to get up, searching for her robe. Brad reached for her arm. “Where are you going?” he asked. “We have to figure out what we want to eat. Unless you want me to order a little of everything like before?”

“God, no. Don’t do that.” She laughed. “Give me a minute. The air conditioning is blowing right at me and I need a robe.”

He grabbed his shirt from the end of the bed. “Put this on.”

The intimacy of the gesture shook Amanda. Wearing Brad’s shirt, ordering takeout. All these domestic customs were what couples did, not people having a one-night—or in their case a two-night—stand. The contentment she took from these actions was really scary.

She accepted the shirt. Her nostrils flared with the spicy perfection of his scent as she pulled it over her head.

Then Brad tugged her to his side, and placed the phone book between them, asking her what she wanted. Lord help her, she knew the answer.

She wanted Brad.


BRAD SAT ON THE BED next to Amanda, take-out containers from one of his favorite restaurants—a twenty-four-hour joint that served everything under the sun—spread out in front of them. He had pulled on his boxers when the food arrived, though he planned to discard them the minute they were done eating. Amanda still wore his shirt, but she’d added shorts to answer the door. Those would have to go, too. Soon.

He enjoyed Amanda’s company far more than he’d expected to, which only made him hotter for her. Funny how that worked. A guy could want a woman only to have the attraction fade when she opened her mouth. With Amanda, the opposite was true. Just ordering food had proven fun. They’d debated several choices, and compared likes and dislikes. She hated fish and so did he. They both loved sweets. And morning coffee, for both of them, came before conversation.

He reached for his chicken sandwich and took a bite, fighting the ache of his arm. Their little sexual adventure had aggravated the pain. That made him pathetic that he couldn’t do a round between the sheets without his arm protesting. Despite the ache, he had no intentions of leaving.

The truth was, he had no time for a distraction like Amanda. His career was hanging by a thread and he needed to stay focused until management ponied up a deal he could sign. And after what had gone down in this big bed tonight, he knew Amanda would claim attention he couldn’t spare. Still, he wasn’t leaving, consequences be damned.

Finishing off a bite of his food, he watched her spray extra whipped cream on top of her half-eaten strawberry waffle. The intense look on her face said her task was very important. A cute little wrinkle appeared between her eyebrows as she concentrated. She made the cutest faces.
