Page 68 of Hard and Fast

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“You’re injured and you still manage to throw hundred-mile-an-hour balls when other guys never break three digits,” Tony stated, his words almost accusing. “Don’t judge me, man. You’re not like me. You didn’t struggle to get here. We both know you were a star from Little League to the pros. I didn’t even get off the bench until my senior year in college. But I told you. I’m done with that shit. I’m clean.”

Brad’s path hadn’t been as easy as Tony thought, but there was no point in saying so.

“Willing to take a test and prove you’re clean?” she asked.

Tony didn’t hesitate. “Yeah. I’ll test.”

“Good,” she said. “I suggest we go to your coach today because Jack will act immediately. Get tested. Tomorrow morning I’ll print the story along with a copy of the negative results, provided we get approval from everyone involved to print them. That will shut down any and all doubt. Tomorrow isn’t my feature day but I’m sure my boss will clear some space for this.”

Brad ran his hand over his jaw. “Have him clear double. Might as well spill my news at the same time.” He turned to Tony. “I’m glad you’re clean. I know using must be tempting when you’re so close to a record.”

“You have no idea,” Tony murmured, almost as if he were speaking to himself. “I just want this to go away.”

“We’ll make it go away,” Amanda assured him. “I need to shower and change. One of you want to call me once you’ve talked to the coach?”

“I’ll call Coach,” Brad said. “And I’ll let you know the time.”

She pushed to her feet. “See you both soon.”

“Amanda,” Tony said, his voice low but intense.

She faced him. “Yes?”

“Thank you.”

Her expression was serious. “Thank me by getting that record at tomorrow’s game.”

Tony grinned. “You have my word.”


THIRTY MINUTES AFTER her meeting with Brad and Tony, Amanda stepped into the shower. The hot water streamed over her face, and now that she was alone, she could process all that she’d been through this morning.

At some point she’d lost her room key, which necessitated an ordeal at the front desk to get a replacement. She’d barely walked through her door when she’d received a call from L.A. Woman again offering her a job. This time with added incentives. Apparently, their feature on Amanda had generated tons of response from readers.

The new incentives included the freedom to write about whatever she wanted as long as the subject appealed to their readers. Sports were fine, but that would not be her exclusive focus. However, they did want her to host an online sports blog. She’d be free to spread her wings and make her features unique, and she’d be able to work from home. The kicker was a substantial increase in pay.

She’d be crazy not to take it.

Amanda had asked for a few days to consider the offer, thankful they’d been willing to wait. Of course, she should take the job. No more Jack Ass. No more careers to ruin for the sake of a story. No more facing Brad. So why was she hesitating?

Leaning forward, Amanda allowed the warm water to pour over her head, neck and shoulders. She squeezed her eyes shut against the images in her mind. Images of showering with Brad, of his hands turning her inside out with need.

The curtain moved behind her. “Amanda.”

Amanda’s eyes went wide as Brad joined her. “How’d you get in here?”

“I knocked and you didn’t answer.”

“That still doesn’t explain how you got in here.”

“You dropped your key and I grabbed it. I kind of hoped it was an invitation.”

“I didn’t even know I dropped it.”

“Do you want me to leave?”

Amanda blinked, unable to find words. Lord help her, she knew she should tell him to leave before he frazzled her emotions any more than he already had. But she couldn’t seem to muster the will to send him away.

“No,” she whispered. “I don’t want you to leave.”

Before she even finished her sentence, Brad’s strong arms surrounded her. “I’m sorry for the way I’ve acted. Forgive me.”

Her palms settled on the width of his chest. “You don’t owe me an apology. We promised each other nothing.”

“Let’s change that,” he said. “Take a shower with me every day, Amanda.”

“What?” Amanda could hardly breathe as the fear of being hurt took hold. She shook her head. “Don’t say things like that.”

His hands framed her face. “Take a shower with me every day. I know your job complicates things, but somehow we’ll figure it out. I need you, Amanda. Like I’ve never needed anyone.”

She could barely believe she was hearing this. She stared into his eyes and found sincerity. Everything inside her warmed and emotions forced themselves to the surface. “I want to believe you.”

“I’ll show you how much. No matter how long it takes, Amanda. I’ll show you.”
