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“Nice to see you too, Graham.” Trey chuckles as Graham leads us to his kitchen.

“And who’s this beauty?” Graham asks.

We pause by the counter full of snacks and drinks where Trey sets down the treats we brought, immediately stealing one for himself.

“I’m Talia,” I introduce, holding my hand out to shake Graham’s. Instead, he raises my hand to his mouth and kisses my knuckles, making Trey growl a warning around his bite of cupcake. I gigglebut pull my hand away and slip it into Trey’s instead, showing him I’m still his.

Graham looks thoroughly amused, a bright glint in his dark eyes as he looks between us. “How did you get a girl as pretty as this one, huh, old man?” he jokes to Trey, who rolls his eyes.

“I’m twoyears older than you,” Trey grumbles. “But I can’t deny that I’m one lucky fucker to have her at my side.”

I blush at the compliments, gazing up at Trey. “I’m lucky, too,” I tell him with a smile, pushing up on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

Graham chuckles. “Never thought I’d see Trey so domesticated,” he teases, making me laugh and Trey grumble again, narrowing his stormy eyes at his friend.

“Where’s Lisa? I need to tell her to get her husband in line,” Trey says, only making Graham laugh harder.

“She’s out by the pool. Come on, she’ll be so excited to meet Trey’s girl,” Graham says to me.

I decide I immediately like him. He seems warm and kind, and for all Trey’s grumpiness, it’s obvious he values Graham as a friend, or else he would’ve done way more than roll his eyes at his teasing.

We grab a drink and head out to the pool, Graham snatching up two cookies from the tray we brought to take out with him.

He hands one to his wife, Lisa, and we all get introduced, both of them insisting those are the best cookies they’ve ever eaten. Graham goes back for another immediately, despite Lisa and Trey telling him to leave some for everyone else. The party is in full swing, people lounging in sun chairs around the pool, others already splashing and making waves in the water.

I sip my drink, and Trey wraps his arms around my waist, tugging me down to sit on his lap as we chat to more of his friends, some he knows from the Navy, others Graham introduces us to as Lisa’s friends. They’re all lovely, and in minutes, I’m laughing and in deep conversation about the best kind of cookies or crackers to use for S’mores.

“You’re all wrong,” Lisa pipes up while we argue about the merits of Graham crackers. She holds up the last bite of her cookie, pointing it at me. “These works of art would beat out every other option immediately. Talia, you need to tell me how to get more of these from you because they’re heavenly.”

I grin, and Trey ducks his head to whispertold you soin my ear. I promise Lisa to drop off another batch of cookies so she can test her S’mores theory fully.

Someone turns up the music, and the group we’ve been chatting to decides it’s time to get back in the pool. I leap up to rush inside and get changed, laughing as Trey chases after me. I snatch my bikini from our bag and lock myself in the bathroom, Trey promising to make me pay for being a brat. I hope he does, but not till later. If I let him help me get changed, we’d never actually get in the pool at all, and we both know it.

When I come back out, I find Trey waiting in the kitchen, gloriously shirtless in his swim shorts. I pause to drool over him, and he presses the advantage, snatching me up into his arms. I shriek with laughter, his strong arms keeping me trapped against him as he strides back out to the garden.

I have about two seconds to remember to hold my breath before he throws me into the pool, to the sound of whoops and cheers from everyone around us. The cool water feels great against my warm skin, and when I resurface, my hair is plastered to my faceand shoulders, and I’m laughing so hard my chest hurts. When I manage to pull my hair out of my face, I find Trey standing at the edge of the pool with a grin on his face, and I smile up at him from the water.

“Two can play this game,” I tell him before sending a huge splash of water in his direction. He’s too slow to move away and gets soaked, but my distraction works well. Seconds later, Graham finishes sneaking up behind him, and Trey shouts as his friend shoves him into the pool before jumping in right after.

Graham and I high-five through laughter. Trey shakes his head to get his hair off his face, giving us both a stormy glare that’s considerably less dark thanks to the amused smirk on his mouth.

Trey strikes back faster than I can counter, grabbing me by the waist and yanking me closer to him, water splashing everywhere. One hand on my waist, the other tangled in my drenched hair, Trey leans down so his lips skim the shell of my ear when he whispers, “Has my sweet girl turned into a brat?”

I cling to him, trying to hide the way his words affect me. I love the way he talks to me like this and how he treats me with such adoration even when his voice has that edge of warning that I love. But, I’m a good girl at heart…and I love the way he rewards me for it.

“No,” I whisper back, pushing closer so my nipples, peaked with arousal through the thin fabric of my bikini top, press against his chest. “I’m your good girl.”

Trey growls, his hands tightening on me, and I feel his cock jerk with arousal at my words. I grin, kissing his shoulder as Graham yells at us to get a room.

Trey grumbles about wanting to murder anyone who dares to look at me in my swimsuit, but to do that he’d have to let me out of his arms. Considering we’ve been stuck together since we got in the pool, I doubt that’ll happen. Still, it’s nice to have him all protective and possessive, and no matter how many times I get splashed with cool water, my face stays permanently flushed.

We stay in the pool until the air grows cool and the bright sun begins to slip down towards the horizon. The first time I shiver, Trey has us up and out of the pool in seconds, refusing to lethis girlget cold. Some of the others are starting to fuss around a firepit, and as Trey grabs a cozy towel to wrap around my shoulders, Lisa hurries inside in search of matches.

The music has been lowered a little, but drinks are still flowing while everyone gathers around on the patio, the air full of laughter and chatting.

“Come on, cupcake. Let’s get you warmed up.” Trey wraps his arm around my waist to lead me inside.

I nod even if I’m not all that cold. I would like to change out of my wet swimsuit, though, and tie my hair up out of my face.
