Page 64 of Broken Dolls

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“Rest. We’ve got a long flight,” he said.

That was no problem. She was certain she could sleep for the rest of her life if she made the smallest effort. The last thing she realized as sleep claimed her was that she could feel the weight of her grandmother’s ring on her finger.

Many hours later she woke in Brian’s bed. There was a tray of food on the nightstand. “You need to eat something. You need fluids, especially. I brought you soup, but you can have anything else in the kitchen after that.”

“Thank you for coming for me. And for finding my ring.”

He rested a hand against her cheek and nodded.

“I’m going to deal with Cate now. Don’t interfere. Just be grateful if I decide to leave her breathing when I’m done.”

Mina felt a coldness seep into her bones and spread to her extremities. She felt something flip over inside of her, a dark thing that she’d pushed aside each time before when she’d been hurt or misused.

It itched.

Her gaze rose to Brian. “I don’t care what you do to her.”

He smiled and pressed a kiss to Mina’s forehead. “That’s my girl. I knew you were in there somewhere.”

He lingered and held her gaze, a long moment of understanding passing between them. They were too broken—both of them—clinging to each other at sea on a raft that would never reach land.

Brian squeezed her hand and left. Minutes later Cate’s screams filled the hallway. Mina looked to the door then back at her food and finished her dinner.

* * *
