Page 103 of Deadly Protector

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“Please be careful.”

“Always, Kitten,” I vow as I motion for Zane and Levi to come over. “Remember what we discussed.”She nods, but I hate the look of fear still written all over her features.

I hold her neck with both my hands, not letting her look anywhere but right at me. “I love you, Gia.” I kiss her, trying totell her with one kiss everything I feel for her, but knowing it’s impossible.

“Come back to me.”

“Every damn time, sweetheart. Every damn time.”

I stand, watching her join the men assigned to protect her. “Protect her with your lives!” I order. They nod in agreement and take her to Samuil's underground bunker that is located inside the garage. The doorway is on the floor. You wouldn’t know it was there unless you have the code to key into the security system. It’s rather ingenious and something Antonio and I have discussed setting up at home. There are other women, and some children present from allies. They’re being escorted along with my woman. Once they get to the bunker, they’re secure. The only way the door can be reopened is from the inside, and only my woman knows the code to do that. There’s one phone inside and when she gets the call, Gia will be the one to let everyone out.

I turn my attention to what we need to do to bring Abram Levkin and his soldiers down. Our men have already been in place and the ones left are doing it now.A signal jammer went up after Abram’s men got the call from him, saying all was good and he’d be there soon. They have no idea that we’re on to them and some were turned back. We want to keep it that way. Ivan knew who many of Abram’s men were, since he had been lulling his brother into thinking he was with him. Once Abram’s spy sent word that all was clear at the reception, Ivan slit his throat and left him to bleed out where Abram’s allies couldn’t see him. We outnumber their side by at least a hundred soldiers. Abram doesn’t know. The men here that have aligned with him have already been surrounded and secured. They will be forced to watch and see what happens when you cross the remaining Levkin brothers and the DeLuca family. This is a show of dominance and will send a message across the board.

I take my men, and along with Antonio, meet up with Ghost and EZ who are already shooting at the Jeeps that have entered the property. My men fan out and join in the firefight. Some of Abram’s men have jumped out of their vehicles and are trying to make it past the gates, but that’s just a quicker way to die at this point. They are stuck with nowhere to go. All they can do is fight a losing battle and now they have no cover.

“You fuckers are late. Thought we were going to have to fight this all on our own,” EZ growls. “You were about to miss all the fun.”

“Which vehicle is Abram in?” I ask. He’s my sole target. I’m going to make the motherfucker pay.

“The flashy yellow Jeep in the middle, currently waiting while all the others do the fighting,” Ghost shouts, still shooting.Antonio and I have joined in as I scan the vehicle in question.

“That’s about right,” I mutter, disgusted by Abram’s weakness. I’m actually surprised he hasn’t taken off running by now. He has to know he’s going to die.

I slowly begin to make my way to his vehicle. Antonio is flanking me as we hide by the ornate statues that litter the concrete and brick paved drive. Antonio sees a man in trouble and turns in a different direction. Immediately Ivan and Samuil take my back. “I get the man who hurt my Gia, but if you don’t kill Abram, I will. He won’t leave here breathing.”

“Duh,” Ivan says, and if I didn’t need my attention on moving forward, I’d flip him off. Samuil is quiet but considering he’s taking part in a plan to kill his father, I guess that’s understandable.

We work together, making it through the men in front of us, shooting and clearing the way, but making good time. Gradually, we get to the vehicle that Ivan is in. His main men are lying everywhere around the Jeep, dead or bleeding in a way thatthey’ll be dead soon. Ivan and Samuil put the few that do have a pulse out of their misery. I pull the passenger seat door of the Jeep open, gun at the ready. I’m not nervous. I am more than ready.

Disappointment floods me when the seat is empty. There are small pools of blood in the seat and floorboard but no sign of Ivan or his Underboss, Adam Dolan.Motherfucker.

“Spread Out!” I bark. “No one returns to the wedding area until these assholes are found.”

I start tracking the blood that’s puddling every so often and pray it leads me to Abram. I can’t let him get away. It’s not an option.


. . .

I’m weaving my way through the dead bodies and vehicles that have clogged the long driveway to the Levkin home. I don’t know how Ivan and the others are controlling the police presence here, but I’m glad they seem to have a handle on it. In Miami, we get away with a lot, but something of this magnitude would be deep shit. There are literally at least twenty dead bodies scattering the property and ten times that being subdued and/or injured. What the Levkin brothers intend to do with them all, I do not know. It’s not really my problem. I’m only interested in Abram Levkin and his right-hand man, Adam Dolan. Samuil didn’t know for sure, but he said whenever his father was involved in shit, Abram’s main flunky was usually the one to carry them out. He was almost positive that Adam was the one who hurt Gia. He was going to get revenge himself, but I told him that was my job. I’m betting that if this fucker wasn’t the one who carried out the attack on my woman, he definitely knows who did.

I’ve been tracking someone that was inside Abram’s Jeep. I don’t have proof it’s Abram, but chances are damn good. I found a trail of blood leading from inside the Jeep to the far side of the estate. I continue following the deep red drops through the grassuntil it leads me to a fancy courtyard. Jesus, there’s a freaking maze made of well-manicured hedges.

Samuil definitely has too much money on his hands. He doesn’t know my woman at all. If he did, he’d know that she’d never be truly happy in a home like this. The woman hates stairs. My Kitten always talked about owning a beautiful single level home that was close to the city but had privacy. She wanted a nice size yard, but nothing this huge. Gia wanted to be near the ocean but not right on it. Most of all, she wanted to be near family. This place didn’t check even one of those boxes—neither did the antique furniture that looked like it came from a castle somewhere in Russia. My girl preferred minimal fuss and lots of comfort. Thoughts of her make me smile. I want this done so I can get back to celebrating my marriage.

I slow down as I find a man breathing heavily and sitting on the ground, leaning on one of the hedges. Blood is trailing from his groin, down his hips and leg. It looks like he's been shot in the stomach. I feel joy bubble up in me because this is clearly Abram Levkin, and he’s in really bad shape.

I step out in front of him, watching as his almost glazed over eyes light on me. “I see the welcome committee beat me to thanking you for coming to my wedding,” I taunt. I keep my gun pointed on the motherfucker, praying he’ll give me an excuse.

“How did she con you into marrying her? She’s just another slut and definitely damaged goods. You’re as pathetic as my own son.”

“That’s odd. The only weak, damaged, pathetic excuse for a human here that I see, is you. You’re a waste of space that will soon be dead.”

“Go ahead, then. Kill me already.”

I shake my head no, denying him what he wants. “Now, Abram, that would just betooeasy.”

“What are you waiting on?” he spits out.
