Page 108 of Deadly Protector

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“But if you want me to be honest, my balls and cock might be sore, but I still want to fuck you right now. I want to take you into our new house, bend you over that kitchen island you’re so crazy about, and fuck you so hard that we can’t move.”

“That might be a very bad thing to do,” I whisper, feeling warm all over.

“I think it would be a very good thing to do,” he counters, his eyes getting darker with hunger as he moves the tip of his index finger down my cheek.

My breathing speeds up as my heart beats harder. I can feel the inside of my thighs get damp. My attraction to Victor is just that potent. There’s no way I can even begin to hide it—mostly because I don’t even want to try. “What if the realtor fails and it ends up not being our house?”

He grins at my use of ‘our’, and I just smile and let him know I’m not going to fight with him about our marriage. He knows me well. I probably would have driven him crazy. Plus, I’ve regretted telling him we should make the marriage fake from the moment I said it.

“Won’t happen. My woman loves this house. She wants it and what my Kitten wants, she gets.”

“Well, considering there’s a chance I’m not pregnant, it would probably make sense to try out that kitchen island,” I reason.

He picks me up, cradling me in his arms. “Fuck, I love you.”

“I love you, too, although I am wondering how I can talk to you about not peeing outside our fence—or inside it unless you’re in the bathroom.”

“You probably aren’t going to be able to talk me out of it. I’m actually thinking of getting one of those turtle statues that your stepbrother is so in love with and putting it on that spot.”

“Like the ones he has all over his grounds? Are you crazy?”

“I’m crazy about you.”

“What if someone sees you, peeing? I have to be honest, since we’re married, your dick belongs to me and only me now. I don’t want anyone else seeing it.”

He leans down and kisses my lips as we walk into the house. “We’re against private property filled with brush and palm trees, sweetheart. It’s also land we own—or will when we get thepapers signed. That means no one will see my dick. You’re safe. Just let me away with it. It’s a family tradition to bring us good luck.”

I narrow my eyes and stare at him. “You just made that up.”

“Hush up, woman,” he admonishes as he lets me down. I stand in front of him, unable to do anything but smile up at the man I love—the man I’mmarriedto. “You need to undress so I can fuck you.”

“Okay, baby,” I respond and then I do as he orders, because this man is everything to me and I know he always will be.


. . .


Four Months Later

I finish putting the turtle over the hole I just filled in. I always keep my promises. I know Gia thinks I’m insane, but thankfully she hasn’t questioned me about it. I whip my dick out and piss on the only thing left of the bastard. Once done, I zip and turn back to our new house and let myself in the side gate.

I go to the end of the house and let myself through the French doors. I quietly shut it back and stare down at my gorgeous wife in our bed. She’s still asleep and the sight of her glossy auburn hair lying on her pillow takes my breath away. The sheet has fallen to her hips, revealing her stomach and I smile, thinking that my child is growing inside of her.

She never planned a new wedding. My Gia said as weird as it sounded, she felt the wedding was perfect. The only thing she wished was different, would have been having Emilia and Melina there. To her, it wasn’t worth replacing the joy she had that day.As for the stuff after the wedding, she reasoned that she wasn’t involved, so it didn’t change her mind.

That sums my woman up perfectly. She’s nothing if not gorgeous and practical.She’s perfection.Every single day withher just gets better. I don’t know what I did to deserve ever having her in my life, but I’m thankful, just the same.

I lean down and pull the sheet up to cover her beautiful body. She murmurs in her sleep. “Victor…”

My heart squeezes in my chest. I can’t resist gently pressing my lips against her forehead. Thankfully, that doesn’t wake her. It’s only six in the morning. My Kitten needs her sleep as her body nourishes our child, helping him to grow. That thought just fuels my happiness. It could be a girl and I’ll be thankful either way.

I move through our house with ease. I have to admit, I didn’t give a shit about this house when Gia found it. I would have been happy living in a damn tent if she was with me. Still, the longer we’re here and my woman puts her touches in the place, the more I like it. It suits us perfectly. When we first moved in, I wasn’t entirely happy with so many windows and glass doors. I decided to change all the old glass with new bullet proof panels. I also made sure that it was the type where it was only reflective if you looked through it from the outside. That allows us to see fine on the inside, but no one can spy on us. It’s probably not needed, and Gia kept telling me that, but it made me feel better. As did the guards at the end of our driveway and the new guard shack. Gia fought me a little, but she let me have my way. When it comes to my family, I’m taking no chances. When a man has everything, he can also lose it and I’m doing everything I can to make sure that doesn’t happen.

I get to my office and sit down at my desk. I would have liked to sleep a little longer today, but Antonio will be calling any time. I’ve moved into the position of Capo with relative ease. I have to say, I like my new job. Niko has helped with the transition, but truthfully, he and Antonio weren’t wrong. I had learned enough by being in their inner circle that it wasn’t that big of a changefor me. I now have men I trust surrounding me and if I give an order, they all make sure it’s carried out.

Antonio is still pissed over Zane and Lodi. It turns out they were the men working for the Levkin brothers. Zane didn’t bother him as much. He was never involved in the inner workings of the DeLuca organization, but Lodi? He definitely was. He had been working for Antonio a long time—hell, he worked for Antonio’s father as a young kid. Maxwell brought him into the DeLuca organization, and he worked his way up the ladder so far that he knew way too much to be a plant. He left a note for Antonio that he and Samuil had apparently been like brothers growing up. When Sam contacted him to see if he would agree to watch over Angelina, he decided he wanted to return home and help Samuil and his uncles rebuild. He said all the DeLuca secrets were safe, he would never divulge them. I’m pretty fucking positive that didn’t pacify Antonio. In fact, I’m sure of it. I don’t know what it means for the alliance between us and the Levkins, but if Antonio finds a way to end Lodi, I’m positive he will.
