Page 21 of Deadly Protector

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“Angel, if this,” Zane motions toward me, “is your natural hair, why would you ever dye it blonde?”

“It’s a long, sad story, but sometimes a girl needs to be somebody completely different just so they don’t have to remember who they were.”

Zane stares at me for a minute and I get the feeling that he sees more than I want him to see. “Well, for what it’s worth, if this is the real you, then, I really like who I see.”

I smile and the heat creeps back into my face for another reason now.

Victor lets out some kind of noise that sounds close to a pissed off bear. I squeal as he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

“And that’s enough. Zane. If you want to have teeth in your head so you can eatmy woman’spancakes, you need to back the fuck off.”


“Shut it, Gia. You and I are going to have this out, not as much as I want because you have work, but this evening you and I are going to come to an understanding.”

“Let me down!” I bark.

“I will, as soon as we get to your bedroom.”


“When we get there, I’m going to turn you over my knee and spank your ass red for flirting with another man,” he all but snarls. My mouth shuts quickly and I stop slapping him on his back. He thinks I was flirting. Crap.Was I?Then, I remember what else he said.

Oh shit.

Victor wouldn’t really spank me. He’s just trying to scare me. There’s no way he would do that, right? It’s not like I’m a child and he’s my dad or something. Dang it, he’s driving me crazy. Of course, he wouldn’t spank me.

When we get to my bedroom and he all but tosses me on my bed. I quickly sit up and stare at him, feeling breathless, myheart stutters in my chest. He’s standing in front of me without a shirt with his perfect abs and broad chest on display—causing me to salivate.God, he’s utter perfection.His jeans cling to him in all the right places and although I thought I loved him in suits more, at this moment I’m thinking it’s a shame he doesn’t wear jeans more often. All thoughts cease however when he sits down beside me with a cocky look on his face, his eyes still showing that he’s upset with me.

I’m starting to wonder if I’m wrong. Right now, I’m worrying Victor really is going to spank me. I’m pretty sure he’s even going to enjoy it.

I think I’m in trouble.


. . .

“Victor, I don’t know if you’ve been drinking or if jet lag has a really bad effect on you, but I think maybe you need to take a minute and think about what you’re doing here.”

“I suppose it’s good you’ve gone from thinking I have brain worms to just being drunk. I can assure you, however, I am perfectly fine except for onesmallthing.”

“What is that?” I mutter, while trying my best to slide off the bed giving Victor a wide berth, and desperately trying to maintain my dignity. I manage to do one of those. Luckily, I don’t touch Victor as I stand, but my legs feel like rubber. They don’t seem to want to hold me up. I also get tangled in the pale-yellow coverlet that hangs low and is flared out along the side of the bed. I would have tumbled to the floor face first if Victor hadn’t reached out and grabbed my arm. He does all of that without taking a single step. I inhale sharply as I look at him. His eyes drill into me with a heat that tries to spread through my body just from our connection. I try to tap it down and remind myself of all the reasons that would be a verybadthing.

“The fact that the woman who I have claimed as my own agreed she wouldn’t go out with that sniveling co-worker of hers and tried to do it anyway.”

“Claimed as your own?” I squeak, not quite believing his words.


I frown. I jerk my arm trying to get him to drop it. He doesn’t. He just keeps staring at me. “Let me go, Victor.”

“Not happening. First, you are going to get your punishment for going back on our agreement. Then, you are going to get your punishment for going out with Zane and almost getting him killed.”

His voice is stoic, almost as unmoving as his gaze. Like this, he should terrify me because he’s almost a stranger. The truth is much more confusing.I think I’m excited.I can’t even begin to understand what is wrong with me. This can’t be normal. I take a breath and it rattles through me as I try to get control of myself. It doesn’t exactly work, but I attempt to focus just the same.

“Zane was forced to be my bodyguard. I was hungry. We had dinner since both our nights were ruined. Thanks for that by the way.”

“I didn’t ruin your night. You fucked up. You weren’t to go out with that idiot. We agreed on that, Gia.”
