Page 27 of Deadly Protector

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“Boss, do you even know what a parakeet is?” Zane asks, and Niko busts out laughing. We all follow them into Antonio’s office. He and Niko sit in a pair of chairs leaving the sofa for me, and unfortunately, Zane.

“If you don’t shut your damn mouth, I’ll send the boys out to buy every fucking one of them in the pet store, then make you eat every fucking one.”

“Not sure your chef would?—”

“They’d be alive,” Antonio rumbles.

“Aww, damn, Boss, that’s gross. You wouldn’t do that.”

“Keep pissing me off and we’ll see.”

I chuckle under my breath. I can’t help it.

“Why are you smiling so big, Vic?” Niko asks.

“I took your advice. Well, Emilia’s.”

“My wife is damn smart. You finally lock Angelina down?”


“Asshole only did it because I was winning her over,” Zane argues.

“In your dreams, dickhead. She’s mine and off limits.”

“Story of my life. You guys make it impossible to find a good woman. You snap them all up and this one isn’t only gorgeous, she cooks like an angel.”

“Angels cook?” Niko mocks.

“You laugh, but you’ve never had her homemade lemon pancakes.”

“Are lemon pancakes a thing?” Antonio asks.

“That’s what I said. Everyone knows pancakes are best with apples and caramel,” I mutter.

“I prefer blueberry,” Antonio responds.

“I bet she could make those too. You don’t understand how good her food is. I want to marry her and make an honest woman of her,” Zane grumbles.

“An honest woman? Jesus. Remind me why I hired you again?”

“Because of my sparkling personality?”

I want to kick the asshole in his dick for even thinking of marrying my woman, but I let it slide—for now.

Antonio shakes his head but the mood around us changes, and I know that the conversation is turning to weightier subjects. “Niko will be getting a team together. Vic, you will beleading them. For now, I want everything you can find out on the Levkin brothers.”

“The Russians?”

“We need to know everything about their dealings with Zervas.”

I nod. I knew this was coming. Zervas is Helena’s new boss in the states and Marco is intent on bringing him down. The man is also slimy as hell.

“But, I mean, they’re in Arizona, right?” Zane interrupts.

“So?” Niko asks.

“I’m just wondering, it’s not like we have dealings in Arizona.”
