Page 28 of Deadly Protector

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I can’t hold back anymore. I head slap him on the back of the head just like Maxwell used to do to me when I was young and stupid. “We have dealings everywhere, but specifically a huge operation now in Greece. Zervas is from Greece. His father is said to be a high roller. That’s a good enough reason to check them out. He’s also making moves on Marco’s woman and drawing her into things that could get her hurt.”

“Oh,” Zane mumbles.

“Exactly. See, Vic? This is why we want you to move up to Capo.”

I shrug with Niko’s words. I’m not sure I’m the best person for the job. It’s a big move. I also want Angelina to be comfortable with me. I don’t think she’d approve of what I do for a living. It’d be harder to keep her clueless. I can’t risk losing her, not even for the men in front of me that I owe everything to.

“Angelina is not Emilia. I’m not sure she’d like me working that position,” I answer under my breath. I need to handle Angelina gently.

“Bull. She’s got the same blood Maxwell had in him. She’d be fine. You do a disservice to her.”

“Speaking of women,” I respond, changing the subject. “Where’s Melina?”

“Morning sickness,” Antonio gripes, clearly not happy.

“Yikes,” I mumble. “Isn’t she kind of far along for that?”

A child is something I never wanted. My childhood was fucked up and my parents weren’t exactly the warm and fuzzy type. I swore I’d never bring a child into this world. It was mainly because I didn’t know what to do with a baby. I sure as hell don’t know how to be a parent to a kid. Angelina is slowly changing my mind on that. I wasn’t lying when I told her I wanted everything with her.

“The doctor said some women have it their entire pregnancy. I swear the longer this goes on, the more I’m worried my wife will sprout horns, or her head will start spinning around while she vomits pea soup.”

“Pea soup?” Zane asks.

“You’ve never watched the original Exorcist?” Niko asks.

“Um… no?”

“You should watch it. You’ll love it.”

“Why do I get the feeling that you’re lying?” Zane huffs.

I bite down a laugh and shake my head. I like Zane—even if I wish I didn’t. I might request him as part of my new staff. Damn. I’m going to accept Capo position. Well, if Angelina is on board.

“Did you warn Angelina that you’ll probably be called away again?” Antonio asks, staring at me.

“I did.”

“Good. You go in three days.”

“Fuck,” I hiss. That’s not what I wanted—not even close.

“With everything going down, we’re running short on men. I need the ones I can trust to have Marco’s back. EZ has been keeping an eye on Helena, but I swear that girl is a magnet for trouble,” Antonio mumbles. “And if any of you tell my wife I said that, I’ll cut off your balls.”

“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of your wife, Boss. She’s such a petite little thing,” Zane croons. I swear, I’m starting to think the boy has a death wish.

“You haven’t been around her since the pregnancy hormones have kicked into overdrive,” Antonio mutters, after shooting Zane a dirty look.

“Emilia is calmer if I keep plenty of bananas and whip cream close by, but she’s overdue. She wants to deliver naturally, but we can’t risk it much longer and apparently my son is just like his father—he wants to stay inside Emilia as long as he can.”

“Jesus Christ, Niko,” Antonio says, shaking his head.

They keep talking. I watch as their lips move, but I’ve tuned them out. All I can think about is Angelina being pregnant. She’d be an exceptional mother. I already know that. The thought of her stomach round with my child makes my cock get uncomfortably hard. I have no idea how I’ve gone from never wanting to be weighed down by a ball and chain—which is what I used to think marriage was—to changing my mind completely. I want Angelina tied to me in every way possible.Just like I am to her.You may not be able to see the chains shackled around me—quite willingly—but they are there. They have been since I first heard my Kitten’s voice.

“Is that okay with you, Victorio?” Antonio asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

The problem is, I have no idea what he’s asking me. The truth is, I don’t even know how long I’ve been sitting here with what I figure is a goofy look on my face, imagining Angelina with her stomach swollen.Fuck.I’m going to need to adjust my dick if this keeps going on. I could ask Antonio what he said, but I’m not going to piss him off. He’s the boss. If he wants something, he doesn’t need me to know what it is. I trust him.

“Sure,” I answer. Zane relaxes back against the sofa with that cocky look back on his face. I suddenly have a bad feeling about this.
