Page 34 of Deadly Protector

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I unknowingly drop my head down. I’m just embarrassed and I don’t want to make Victor mad at me. He doesn’t let me get away with that. His fingers grip my chin, pushing it up so I have no alternative other than to look at him. “Don’t you dare be sorry, Kitten. In fact, when we get home, I’m going to want more and you’re going to give it to me.”

I don’t know if he can tell, but to me it feels like my eyes go wide as saucers. I can feel a bit of panic slide through me, but I must be honest, there is a lot more desire. I nod, unable to form words. He studies me for a minute and then, without another word, turns and walks out.

“Whew, honey! You two are about to set the room on fire,” Emilia cries excitedly.

“Emmie,” I whisper, wondering if I could spontaneously combust.

“Get your ass over here and dish the tea woman. I’d come to you, but I can barely waddle at this point.” She laughs, patting her stomach.

I try to tap down my embarrassment and walk over to sit in the chair across from where she’s lying on the sofa. Emilia is beautiful. She has this thick, lustrous black hair that is so dark it almost looks blue in a certain light. Right now, it’s down and laying in waves around her shoulders. She’s wearing a pale blue maternity dress. She’s absolutely beautiful, but I know she has to be miserable. She is past her due date and the doctor warned her that he’s not going to give her much longer before he puts her in the hospital. It’s important to her to deliver her baby boy naturally, but so far, he’s not cooperating.

I look around Callan and Emilia’s study. It’s a beautiful room full of dark wood and soft beige, leather furniture. The walls are painted in an almost vanilla color and the effect against the wood is as pretty as it is comfortable. Emilia used a blue-green color on the rugs and throw pillows as an accent color. It works because the floor matches the woodwork.

“Has Niko talked you into agreeing to have labor induced or to undergo a cesarean yet?”

“Almost. I promised him we’d make the decision at my appointment in two weeks. If the doctor is adamant and there’s still no sign of labor, I’ll agree. I’m still not sure on the C-section, though. I have to really think on that.”

“I understand, but you need to listen to the doctor and do what is safest for the baby, yes, but also for you, Emmie,” I caution.

“I will. I promise. Niko swears we’re never having another child, but I told him he’s crazy. I love being pregnant. If my mind doesn’t change, I’m going to get pregnant again as soon as the doctor gives me the okay.”

“Will Niko agree to that?” I laugh.

“Oh please, all I have to do is kiss along his neck and whisper in his ear I need him. My man never fails to turn into a beast and never thinks of birth control. He’ll pout but he loves me pregnant.”

I can’t help but giggle again. “Is he the one that turns into a beast or is it you Emmie?”

“I’m addicted to the man. I can admit it. That’s not what is important right now, though.”

“It’s not?”

“Nope. I need to know what finally got Victorio’s head out of his ass.”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t hand me that, Angelina. You guys were going so hot and heavy. I was afraid he was going to nail you up against the wall. I mean don’t get me wrong, the man has been slowly dying for a year, wanting you. I’m just unsure what made him finally man up.”

I think I’m in shock. I know Victor said I had been his since the moment we first met, but there was a part of me that didn’t believe him. Clearly, he was telling the truth. “You knew he liked me?” I gasp.

“Like you?” she waves her hand like I’m insane. “Girl, that man is intensely fixated on you. No one else exits for him but you.”

“You’re exaggerating,” I laugh, feeling my face heat.

“I am not. It’s the complete truth.”

“Do you think so?” I ask, needing to hear her say it, even if it does scare me.

“I can’t tell you the number of times he’d come here and ask for advice on how to make you feel safe with him. He told me that he knew you were the woman for him from the moment he first saw you. He just wanted to wait until you were ready for him.”

I take a breath and even I can tell how it trembles inside of me. He really does want me. He has for a long time. All this time, I thought we were just friends. My hand goes up to touch my cheek. When Victor touches me or looks at me, I forget about it. I can do that because he never acts like he notices it. He makes me feel beautiful. Still, I have a hard time believing out of all the women he could have, he’d pick me.


“Stop that, Angelina.”

“Huh?” I ask her, looking up to notice her face is stern.

“You’re trying to hide in yourself again. I know you’ve been hurt, baby. I do. But you, my sweet cousin, are not defined bywhat some scum did to you. Your spirit is not diminished one bit by that scar on your face and neither is your beauty. Victorio told me personally that you are the most beautiful woman he has ever met, but his favorite thing is that you’re just as special on the inside too.”
