Page 47 of Deadly Protector

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“I know that. I’m just saying, if I was you, I’d make sure that you kept the secret of it happening at all from Angelina. Girls see things differently than us men.”

“Point taken. I’ll call you tomorrow when we land,” I tell him turning around to leave.

“Hey, Victorio?”

“If you find the person who hurt Angelina, end them quickly. Something like that, it has a way of sucking you in. You can’t get vengeance big enough to heal the pain of the wound, no matter how hard you try. Niko found that out the hard way. If Emilia hadn’t brought him back, I’m not sure he’d be with us today. Be careful, yes?”

I nod. I understand what he means, but at the same time, when I find who I’m looking for, I’m going to make it hurt in every way I can imagine. No one will stop me.

I won’t let them.


. . .

I’m about to go to the sofa to contemplate what to make for an early—really early—breakfast when Victor’s damn phone begins ringing. It’s probably not loud, but it feels like it is booming.

My head hurts, I’m groggy and it’s only—I look over at the clock—four in the morning. Today sucks. It is officially the worst day in the history of days. Okay, I think as I yawn, that might be over-dramatizing things a little much. After all, there are wars, famine, horrible natural disasters, and so forth. I get it. Yet, for mepersonally,today is the worst day ever. Well, scratch that. It started before today. Yesterday was like the precursor of bad days. That means I should have known today was going to be horrible. I should have prepared.

I didn’t.

I had to come home from work early yesterday. And why? Because for the first time in history, I started my period early. Yep, I started two weeks early to be exact. That’s something that has never happened. I am usually regular—like clockwork even. I was convinced at this point the universe hated me. If I had only known how much worse things would get, I would have begun to make an altar and pray to the fates to forgive me for whatever I did to deserve this misery. I didn’t and I guess that’s on me.

You see, I needed last night with Victor. I truly did. I knew he was going out of town and after the magic that was the night before, I wanted to explore things further. I was looking forward to it. Then, bam! Out of nowhere I got my period. It wasn’t just a normal one, either. Nope, this one involved so much pain that I felt like I was dying. I could barely hold my head up. It was so bad that I came home early, grabbing a ride from a friend who thankfully offered. The minute I walked through the door, I took medicine and proceeded to pass out.

The day got worse from there when I slept longer than I thought I would and forgot to call Victor to tell him I wasn’t at work. When he dropped by the shelter to pick me up, he panicked because I was nowhere to be found. He started calling my cell like a madman. It was embarrassing as hell to tell himwhyI had fallen asleep all evening—not to mentionwhyI was sick. I didn’t want to say it. I tried to avoid his questioning every way I could. He kept hammering me with questions about what was wrong and demanding I go to the urgent care place in town. He was getting on my nerves. Finally, I was so upset that I just blurted it out.

“I’m bleeding from my vagina!”

Yep, just like that.Real classy like.

I was mortified and slapped my hand over my mouth. Victor just went quiet, said he’d be home in a bit, and hung up.

He didn’t even say goodbye.

For some reason, that really bothered me and that made me cry. I was still crying when Victor walked through the door, carrying one of those reusable bags from the grocery store. He put it on the counter, where I was crying over a bowl of ice cream and then—despite my protest—picked me up, carried me into the living room and settled on the sofa, putting me in his lap.

We stayed like that for a while. I even felt like things would get better.

I was wrong.

He got up after a bit, laid me on the sofa and tucked a fleece throw around me. He put my melted ice cream in the sink. I was stupid enough to eat out of the carton, so I lost the whole gallon of my caramel toffee surprise. The surprise, by the way, was marshmallows. It may sound gross to some, although I have no idea who those people would be, but it is so good that I could eat a whole gallon at a time if I let myself.

Victor came back in with some chicken soup, crackers, and grilled cheese. It was so sweet. This is where the day really starts to go off the rails. This is because, I’m allergic to chicken soup. Okay, I know that sounds insane. It probably is. I’ve never met another person who claims to be allergic to it, but I definitely am.

Something about the canned, condensed variety makes me horribly ill. I get a rash, sure. The worst part is that it makes my stomach cramp. I don’t know why. I just know to stay away from it. I felt guilty because Victor went to so much trouble. I didn’t want to tell him that I only bought it because Zane was supposed to be staying here and he had told me that chicken soup and grilled cheese was his favorite meal because it reminded him of his mother.

This thing with Victor might be new, but I wasn’t stupid—despite the evidence my previous life choices may lead others to believe. I knew with a hundred percent surety that if I told my guy that I bought food specifically for Zane he would lose his mind. I didn’t want to open that can of worms. So, I did something stupid. I decided to eat some of it. Geez, that sounds insane, but my stomach was already cramping. I figured I could handle a little more. Afterall, pain eventually fades, right? Plus, I would take some Benadryl to combat the rash, and all would be fine. I wouldn’t disappoint Victor. It would make him happy.Plus, there would be no argument the night he was supposed to leave either. This was just safer.

I was wrong so wrong.

I managed to eat about a quarter of the bowl and pick at the grilled cheese. Honestly, I am not a fan of cheese. It’s gross. It only belongs on pizza and then only lightly. You can put that sprinkle stuff on spaghetti, but I really draw the line anywhere else. Dante used to like cheese on his breakfast sandwiches. I should have known then what a monster he was.Who puts cheese on a sausage patty?I’m sorry, but that’s just yucky.

Anyway, I started to feel kind of sick. I fought it down and figured I was going to escape. I really shouldn’t have taken another spoonful, but when I put the spoon down in the bowl and told Victor I was done. He took it up on himself to feed me one more spoonful.

I wanted to say no, I really,reallydid. Yet, he looked so sweet and all I could think was that one more wouldn’t hurt. It would make Victor happy. I already can’t have any type of sex with him like I wanted—and I totally wanted to. I was even hoping to see if I could push myself further this time. I was so ready.

And then fate stepped up in the form of my menstrual cycle being fouled up.
