Page 54 of Deadly Protector

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“Yes, really,” I huff.

“Funny, I didn’t see him running to your side when you were in trouble. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen him or heard his name at all—not once in the time we’ve been together, Kitten. So maybe you should come up with another story and make this one I’ll believe.”

“I think you need to turn around and leave before I make Angie mad and beat the hell out of you,” Sam practically purrs.

I gasp in surprise, feeling flushed. I’ve never seen this side of Sam before. He’s not afraid of Victor at all. It’s almost as if he welcomes a fight with Victor.He has to be insane.

“Sam, stop.”

“I’m not going anywhere. This is where I live, and Gia is my woman. As far as I’m concerned, you’re the one who needs to leave.”

Sam just looks at Victor, shaking his head like Victor is crazy. “Then, we have a problem, because I’m not going anywhere either, becauseAngieis important to me, and I don’t think she wants you here.”

“You both need to stop before we all choke on the testosterone,” I finally get out, trying to control all of the emotions that are pushing through me. The trouble is, I find it near to impossible.

“Why aren’t you on a plane, Victor?”

“Plans changed this morning. Antonio caught us at the field. He needs the team somewhere else. So, I’m not heading out for a couple of hours. I guess I messed up your little rendezvous. I’ll give you a pro-tip free of charge, Kitten. If you want to string along two men at once, you should always make sure the other one is truly out of town before inviting the B-team candidate over.”

I physically flinch with Victor’s words. I gasp and I have to fight to keep from doing something stupid, like allowing myself to cry. I hate that crying is even an option. I’m not sad, I’m pissed. There’s a small voice inside my head that says I’m hurt, and I guess that’s true too. I choose to ignore it for now. If I have to, I can fall apart later.

“Would somewhere else be Phoenix?” I ask, my question may sound innocent, but it’s not and I can tell immediately that Victor realizes that.

“Did Emilia tell you?” he asks, sounding confused.

“No, your friend Morgan did that. She wanted to make sure you had her phone number. I can’t tell you how touched she was that you still had it programmed into your phone.”


“Of course, she said she shouldn’t have been surprised, considering how much the two of you meant to one another.”

Victor actually looks pale. He rakes his hand through his hair and stares at me. “Is there a reason that you couldn’t have fucking unloaded this on me last night, or maybe even this morning? Why couldn’t you give it to me so I could prove to youthat it was nothing? What the hell, Gia? I think I’ve proved that I deserve more trust than this.”

“I gave you a chance this morning, Victor. You’re the one that insisted you were going to Greece and that was it. You never once mentioned Phoenix.”

“Because I knew if I told you I was going there, it would upset you.”

I laugh, the sound bitter—even to my own ears. “I wonder how many cheating men say that exact thing. That’s not it, though. I’m hurt. If you wanted to explore something with another woman, or hell even sleep with someone, you should have told me. What you shouldn’t have done is tried to make me feel like I could be enough for you?—”

“You are everything to me. Don’t you for one fucking second doubt that.”

“Too late. You should have told me.”

“Or maybe not set up a date with another woman in the first place,” Sam adds, talking under his breath.

“You stay out of this, asshole.”

“If it involves Angie, it involves me.”

“The fuck it does! I love her and she loves me. You have no place in this equation.”

Sam sneers, “I love Angie, and go ahead and ask her how she feels about me. Do it.”

“Sam, stop. Just let it go. It’s not important now.”

“Actually, Kitten, I think it is,” Victor argues.

“It’s not. Sam is family. He came in to check on me?—”
