Page 55 of Deadly Protector

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“And apparently, I got here at just the right time,” Sam adds, and I barely avoid rolling my eyes.

“Sam,” I admonish.

“You’re lying, Gia. You forget I know your family. I’ve seen Maxwell’s files on your mother and father, too. There’s no Sam in your life. He wasn’t mentioned once—anywhere.”

“I have a life, Victor. Sometimes when you live that life things don’t show up in files that someone compiles—especially from a distance.”

Victor’s mouth snaps shut. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that now he’s pissed, but I push on. I really need this to be over.

“Nothing has ever happened between me and Sam. We’re close. He’s my stepbrother. So, whatever sordid thing going on in your head, let it go, Victor. That’s not who I am. I could barely let my guard down long enough to let you in?—”


“And I’m definitely regretting even trying now.”

“Damn it, you don’t mean that, Gia.”

“Yeah, I really do. You see, I have a completely innocent explanation as to why I have another man around when you’re not here. You can’t say the same about Morgan. You also can’t stand there and tell me it never occurred to you that meeting an ex-lover wouldn’t hurt me.”

“I didn’t. It’s not like you’re making it out to be.”

“Now, I’m calling you a liar, Victor,” Sam laughs, making my head jerk up so I look at him.

“You can go fuck yourself.”

“I’m being serious. I’m a man. I know if I had someone as special as Angie waiting for me at home, I wouldn’t be out hooking up with another woman who used to warm my bed. I sure as fuck wouldn’t be setting up more dates with her,evenif it had to do with work. Only someone who isn’t worth shit would do that to a woman—any woman—especially, someone as special as Angie.”

Victor doesn’t respond in words. He charges at Sam. I let out a cry as the two men tumble backwards. I jump, looking at them in shock as they begin to trade blows. This is the last thing I want. I recoil with each blow they trade.

“Stop it! Both of you stop!” They of course ignore me. “Victor! Stop!” I scream when he delivers a particularly ugly blow in Sam’s stomach.

“Can’t, baby. I’m going to kill the motherfucker,” he says, sounding as if he’s enjoying every bit of this.

They’re standing staring at one another now, fists drawn and ready. They’re sizing one another up, and I’m desperate to try and stop this from going any further. I think about jumping between them, but as they start trading blows again, that thought flees. I look around the room, desperate to find something to stop them before either one of them gets hurt. My gaze lands on a broom. It’s not much, but I’m positive it’s safer than trying to get between them. I quickly move to grab it, and just get back to them as Victor’s fist connects with Sam’s nose and blood splatters everywhere as it drips out of Sam’s nose and Victor continues hitting him. Sam is doing his best at hitting him back, but it’s clear he’s momentarily stunned. I take the broom and begin hitting Victorio with it, gripping the handle tightly. He mostly ignores me as I hit his back, causing me to get more inventive and slap him over the head with it.

“Damn it, Kitten! I’m a little busy here!”

“I told you to stop!” I growl, throwing the broom at him and going to Sam. “Are you okay, Sam?”

“I’m fine, Angie. I’m getting ready to teach this asshole a lesson.”

“You mean you’re getting your ass handed to you,” Victor laughs. He’s wiping some blood from the corner of his lip, watching Sam closely.

“What is it with you? First Zane and now my brother. Have you lost your mind?”

“He’s not your brother.”

“He’s my stepbrother, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love him any less,” I qualify, not sure why Victor feels the need for the distinction.

“What did I tell you, Kitten?”

“That you’re a jerk?” I huff.

“The only man you love is me.”

I stand there looking at him as if I’m frozen. “What?” I finally get the word out through clenched teeth. “I’m pretty sure younevertold me that.”

“Well, I am now. I’m the only man you can ever say you love. Unless we have a son,” he says with a shrug as if he’s talking about the weather.
