Page 56 of Deadly Protector

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“We aren’t having children,” I half-whisper, almost strangling on the words. I ignore the thrill that threatens to erupt inside of me, reminding myself about him acting an asshole over Sam when he made a date with some woman he used to sleep with. “I’m not doing anything with you. Whatever we were is over.”


“I mean it.”

“You don’t. You love me—we love each other. You trusted me with your body. It doesn’t end like this. Fuck, it doesn’t end period.”

“Victor!” I squeal. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

“What? Don’t you want brother dearest to know that I’ve had you?”

He’s standing in front of me and right now he doesn’t even seem like the Victor I fell in love with. The Victor I love would never leave me so exposed. I don’t think, I’m not sure I could right now. I’m too humiliated. I walk up to him and before I can second guess myself, I slap him hard across the face. “I don’t even know you. The man I thought you were would never discuss me like this. He would have made sure I felt valued above all.”


“And most of all, he would have never hurt me like you have the last couple of days. Actually, now that I think about it, I’m not sure Ieverknew you. Maybe the Victor I thought you were, is just a fantasy.”

“Damn it, Gia?—”

“Just go to Phoenix and meet up with yourold friendand leave me alone.”

I don’t realize I am crying until I began to feel the tracks of my tears running down my cheeks. I want to wipe them away, but I don’t bother. Honestly, I’m not sure I have the energy to raise my arms.

How did everything go so bad just when it felt like I was finally getting everything I wanted?

He doesn’t leave. Instead, he takes out his phone and dials a number. His eyes never leave mine. I want to look away, but I can’t. There is too much intensity coming from him. My heart pounds so hard that I don’t see how it keeps from making my whole-body quake. He puts the phone on speaker so I can hear it ringing.

“Victor! It’s so great to hear from you—” I wince as I see her name, finally finding the strength to wipe a few of the tears that are falling.

“Morgan, would you like to explain to me why you led my woman to believe that the two of us has some type of relationship beyond business?”

“Your woman?”

“I told you that I was seeing someone, Morgan.”

There’s silence on the other end. I try to not get my hopes up, and concentrate on the fact that regardless, he kept things from me. Still, I don’t want him to have lied about this. I want to believe that I am truly the woman he wants. Right now, I am also scared. Sam seems to sense that and moves over to me, puttinghis hand on my shoulder, and pulling me into his body. Victor lets out a growl under his breath, the warning clear.

I stand up straighter, putting distance between Sam and I. Victor watches. His face is tight. He doesn’t look happy, but at least it doesn’t appear he is planning on slitting Sam’s throat at any second. I don’t know why I feel the need to pull away from Sam, but I do it. I’ll analyze my reasons later.

“Victor, I don’t know what you’re talking about. You didn’t even tell me who you were dating. How could I have spoken to them?”

“You called my phone late at night. How could you not have expected to talk to her?”

“I…Wait.You’re dating our client? Victor that goes against every rule you’ve ever had. You never mix business with pleasure. You wouldn’t even sleep with me until after we finished the job we had together.”

I can’t help it. I flinch at her words. I start to run from the room. Victor reaches out grabbing my arm and his hand imprisons my wrist, refusing to let me leave, no matter how hard I tug against his hold. He jerks my hand roughly, pulling me into his body. He shifts his hold, making it so his arm circles my waist and holds me close against his body. The phone is still in his other hand, as he watches me.

“Gia isn’t a client. She’s my woman. She means everything to me, and as soon as I can convince her, she will wear my ring. You put that in danger with whatever bullshit you spewed last night.”

“You said you were seeing her, that didn’t sound serious to me. Plus, I didn’t know she was the woman you spoke about. I thought she was the woman you said you were protecting.”

“I am protecting her, but she’s not a fucking job. She’s my world. If she wasn’t, I wouldn’t have asked you to search out the information I needed so I could make sure she was safe.”

“I…I’m sorry, Victor. I didn’t know. I didn’t lie to her, though. You and I did mean something to one another. You even kept my phone number in your contacts. That has to mean something. You can’t deny we had something great once, Vic.”

“Let me go” I whisper.

He refuses, not with words, but by the look on his face and the increasing force in his hold. “Morgan, I haven’t seen you in over five years. How could you even think I’d want to restart anything with you? We slept together twice and it was just sex. I valued you as a professional. We were friends, but it never went deeper for me. I am alsosureI made that clear when I left.”
