Page 62 of Deadly Protector

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“So what? You would avenge me behind my back, and I’d never know?”

Sam just smiles, which is neither a yes nor a no. I shake my head. This is silly. It’s not like Sam would waste the time to do that anyway. We haven’t had contact in years. Plus, we didn’t have the type of relationship that would make him possessive over me—not like Victor. Besides that, Sam probably has women everywhere. I doubt any of them would appreciate the fact he was spending time and effort on me.

I shake my head at him, making him laugh. “That’s kind of what Victor tried. You see how that worked out.”

He laughs. “Yeah, I’m smoother than that asshole, though.”

“Whatever you say,” I giggle.

“Are you sure you want me to take you to DeLuca’s?” he asks, the mood in his car suddenly changing.

“Yeah, I’m going to visit with Melina, and Emilia is coming over with Zoe tomorrow. I’m going to enjoy myself and try not to get baby fever,” I joke.

“If you do, maybe I could help you out with that,” Sam smirks.

“You did not just say that,” I gasp, shocked to the soles of my feet.

“Oh, I definitely did,” he winks.Yikes.Okay, I’m just going to ignore that remark and bury it way down deep, never to see the light of day. “Now, I’ll take you there, but honey, you do know who Antonio DeLuca is, right?”

“C’mon, Sam. We both know our lives are not exactly picket fences, here. You forget I know whoyouare too,” I argue, ignoring he called me honey.

He holds his hands up, his elbow hitting the steering wheel of his ostentatious Rolls-Royce. One thing hasn’t changed, Sam definitely still has a taste for the luxurious life he grew up with. “Okay, okay,” he laughs. “I get it. I’ll take you to DeLuca’s.”

“Thank you?—”

“On one condition,” he says, interrupting me.

“A condition?” I laugh. He’s being crazy. If he doesn’t take me to Antonio’s, I’ll just drive myself once he drops me off. I’m starting to seriously get fed up with men in general.

“Yep, runt, I have a condition.”

“You know, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly the skinny ragamuffin I was when I first came to live with you and your dad. Runt doesn’t exactly fit now.”

“Oh, believe me, I noticed. You’re drop dead gorgeous now.”

“Please,” I huff, knowing that he’s lying through his teeth now.

“I’m serious. You’re seriously gorgeous.”

“Have a thing for scarred women?”

“Stop that, Angie. Your scar does nothing to mask your beauty,” he says, holding my neck and stroking the scar’s path along my jaw. “All I see when I look at you is a strong woman who is a survivor and holds all the beauty in the world in her eyes and her smile.”

My heart speeds up as I look at Sam. “What’s happening here?” I ask him, confused. He can’t be making a pass at me, right? Sam never saw me like that, ever. He also knows I’m in a relationship—at least of some kind—with Victor.

“I’m about to tell you what my condition is for taking you to DeLuca’s.”


“You have to agree to go out to dinner with me Friday.”


“I come to see you and spend time with you, runt. You’re going to be gone for two nights. I think it’s only fair you agree to have dinner with me to make it up. It’s not as if I live here. You’re the only reason I’m here.”

When he puts it like that, I feel guilty. He’s completely right. If the roles were reversed, I’d be really hurt. “I could cook you dinner,” I suggest.

“Nope. I want to show off my beautiful date.”
