Page 81 of Deadly Protector

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I nod. I know in my heart he does. Gia wouldn’t go this long without talking to me, no matter how upset she was. Still, EZ is right. I do need to know for sure. I sift through the wreckage of the desk and find my phone. I quickly dial Antonio’s number.

He picks up on the second ring, which helps. If his phone had gone to voicemail, I don’t know what I would have done.

“Hey, Vic, man. Did Angelina give you the good news?”

“Yeah, and I hate to bother you, Boss, but I need a favor.”

Something in my voice must alert him because his easy-go-lucky mood is instantly replaced. “Tell me what you need.”

“Man,” I start, my voice breaking. I have to clear my throat and get control, then start again. “I can’t get ahold of Gia or Sloan. Both phones go to voicemail. I need to know if she’s okay. If not…” My fucking voice stops again, there’s too much fear inside of me. I feel like I’m choking on it.

“I’ll send a crew over immediately. We’ll be back in touch soon.” He hangs up, not giving me a chance to say thanks—not that I could anyway.

When I look back up. Ghost is at the smaller desk on a laptop. “I need everything about these fuckers, including all of their holdings and any place they might be holding my woman,” I tell him. My voice is still weak, but I do feel a little more balanced. Antonio is helping. We’ve been through this with his woman. I’ll get Gia back. I will. There’s no other option.

“I’m already on it. You’re going to owe me a new computer screen,” he murmurs.

“You find my woman and I’ll buy you a whole room of computers,” I agree.

“No need, just replace that one. It’s my favorite.”

I don’t respond. I’m hanging over his shoulder along with EZ trying to see everything I can. It takes about twenty minutes before Antonio calls back. I put the call on speaker and keep looking at Ghost’s computer screen. “Talk to me,” I tell him, already knowing it can’t be good news because it’s Antonio on the phone and not my Kitten.

“Angelina is nowhere around, Vic. There doesn’t appear to be a struggle inside her home. So wherever she is, chances are she’s fine. But…”


“Fuck. Vic, we found Sloan in the bushes. She was alive, but unconscious. She came to when we started working with her.They’re on their way to the hospital with her right now.She’ll be okay. The thing is, she can’t remember anything. The last things she remembers is getting ready to follow Angelina and her stepbrother to the restaurant where they were having dinner. Sam put Angelina in his car while his bodyguard came over to Sloan to discuss logistics, then everything is blank.”

“He drugged her.”

“Gordon said that’s what it sounded like to him, too,” Antonio answers. “I want you to tell me what you need and how I can help you, Vic.”

I clear my throat. “I need a crew of men and a jet. Gia’s stepbrother is apparently a Levkin.”

“Fuck, as in Ivan Levkin?”

“Worse, his older brother, Abram. I don’t know him, but from everything that EZ and Ghost have dug up, he’s tied into human trafficking and shit. Ghost is researching Levkin properties and holdings. I’ll go to every place they have and set it on fire if I have to.”

“I’ll text you when they take off. Keep your head, Vic. We’ll get her back.”

“Yeah,” I answer, hanging up and unable to say anything else. I just concentrate on looking over Ghost’s shoulder for information and praying that Gia is okay. If something happens to her, I won’t survive it.


. . .

I lay on the bed, feeling hopeless. I’m kicking myself for not listening to Victor. I know he’s probably worried to death. I hate that I can’t contact him. I asked the woman who brought my breakfast if I could borrow a phone, but she just shook her head no.I know Victor is looking for me. I don’t have any doubt about that. I just hope that when he finds me, I’m not somehow married to Sam. I wouldn’t do it willingly, but apparently my dear stepbrother isn’t above using drugs on me. God, how could I have been so blind? I never would have imagined that Sam would do something like this. I tense as the door opens. When Sam comes in smiling like he doesn’t have a care in the world, I pick up the TV remote on my nightstand and chuck it at him. Sam ducks and my damn throw was off the mark and goes wide.

I always did suck in PE class.

“I can see your mood hasn’t improved,” he says.

He looks like he doesn’t have a care in the world. He’s had a shower and is wearing a new suit, looking immaculate. I on the other hand haven’t changed, despite the fact that Sam somehow ordered me a whole new wardrobe and put it in the closet here. Everything still has tags on them.Who does that?The man is clearly deranged.

Sam walks over and I shrink further on the other side of the bed. I don’t want him anywhere near me. That clearly upsets him.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Angie. I’m doing everything I can to make you safe. You have no idea how complicated everything is.”
