Page 83 of Deadly Protector

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“It’s just a gut feeling,” I answer honestly with a shrug. “It’s not easy to get women out of the country especially on a plane, private airstrips or not—especially if she’s not willing and my girl definitely wouldn’t be.”

“True, but it still can be done.”

I nod, forced to agree. “It can, but I don’t see Samuil leaving his uncles behind so easily. Especially when the gossip is that the younger Levkin brothers are gathering allies to go to war against Abram. Samuil seems to have sided with them. If there’s a war, you can bet he’ll be there to face his father. He’s too damn cocky not to.”

Ghost seems to accept that. “There are three properties left. One is in New York. The second is in Tampa, Florida and finally, there’s one in Seattle, Washington.”

I study the places in my mind, weighing each choice as I struggle to come up with my next destination. I’ve tried to be very methodical, and I wish Ghost was on my team permanently. He’s good—reallygood. It wasn’t easy finding these properties at all. The man was relentless, sifting through a mountain of paperwork and a hell of a lot of fake corporations. I made it a little easier because I didn’t bother looking at the properties that were easier to find. As much as I hated to admit it, I think that slimy motherfucker was too smart to do that. On that basis alone, I make a quick decision.

“Let’s cross out Tampa. It’s too close to DeLuca headquarters. He’d want to make sure Gia was far away from me.”

“That leaves Manhattan or Seattle,” he replies.

I rub the tension in my forehead. I can feel a migraine building. “We’ll head to Seattle in the morning.”

“Are you sure?”

“It’s a logical choice. It’s closer to Arizona where his brothers are stationed. If I look at it like that, it makes the most sense.”

“I’ll have my crew ready,” Ghost says.

“I’ll have mine. Do we still have a crew watching the Levkin brothers here in Phoenix?”

“Yeah, no sign of Angelina or Samuil. I’ve even tapped into their security cameras.”

“I didn’t think so, still I was hoping…”

“Go get some sleep man, you look wiped. We’ll head out in the morning. I’ll have my men ready around seven.”

“Sounds good,” I mumble, then walk out down the hall to my room.


. . .

I follow Sam’s maid into his office. Apparently, I’m being summoned. I don’t know what I did in a former life to give me so much bad karma in this one, but I’m ready to cry uncle now. I smile at Loretta. I try to be nice to her. She’s just doing her job. It’s not her fault that her boss is an insane idiot. She gives me a reassuring smile back and then leaves, closing the door behind her. I stare at the door a little while wondering what would happen if I made a run for it.

“Don't even think about it, Angie.”

I turn around and stick my tongue out at him.

“I see you’re still being childish.”

“That’s me. It happens when I’ve been kidnapped!”

“You need to see to reason,” he argues.

“That’s rich coming from a man who is obviously insane.”

“Damn it, Angie. Marrying each other is the easiest way to make sure you are safe. I’m doing all this for your own good.”

“Oh, in that case, thanks but no thanks,” I answer, not hiding my sarcasm one bit.

“Damn it. I’m being serious here. If my enemies know you belong to me and are covered under the Levkin name, they won’t strike out at you.”

“I’m not marrying you, Sam. I don’t love you. I’m not even sure I like you at this point. Besides, I’m in love with Victor.”

“In time, you will forget him and learn to love me. I’ll do the same with you.”
