Page 86 of Deadly Protector

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My blood runs cold. He’s right I had mostly figured it out. Hearing him confirm it boils inside of me, making a wound that nothing can heal.

“I think you understand that the only reason I haven’t seen Angie face to face before now was Abram Levkin. I swore I’d find a way to make it right. I wanted to make sure my uncles and I had the firepower to end my father and I was able to keep Angelina safe.”

“That’s not your job, Samuil.I’mGia’s man. I’m the fucking man who will keep her safe. Your father can’t touch her. I’ll bring her to Antonio’s to make sure she’s protected.”

Sam laughs, but the sound holds zero humor. “Do you really think that will work, Victor?”

“I know it will,” I snap.

“Then, perhaps you should ask yourself one question.”

“What’s that?” I ask.

“How did I know you were headed to Seattle in the morning?”

“I’m going to have fun beating you down, Samuil.”

“Victor, nothing you could do to me will hurt more than the hell my father made me and Angie live through.”

“We’ll see. So, tell me, what’s next?”

“Come to Seattle and talk with me. You can spend a couple of days while we get everything lined out.”

“Do you think I’m so stupid that I’d walk into a trap?”

Samuil laughs. “Do you think I’m so stupid that I would openly invite a man who wants to kill me if I wasn’t forced to? Believe me when I tell you, Victor, the two of us have one thing in common. We would do anything to protect Angie. That’s the only reason I’m reaching out to you, but if it makes you feel safer, bring five of your best men to watch your back, but keep it to just the DeLuca family. I don’t need the Titans knowing my every move before I make it. My uncles assure me that EZ is a man of his word, but none of us trust those other motherfuckers. Their old leader was as evil as my father.”

I laugh. “That’s different—a Levkin worried about someone being evil. You do know your reputation, right?”

“You and I both know neither of us are good men. I’m not saying we aren’t evil. I’m merely saying that the two of us have limits. Men of the ilk of my father do not and that is a very clear definition of why we must protect Angie at all costs.”

I grunt, finding nothing I can argue with about that. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“I’ll have some cars waiting on you,” he informs me, confusing the hell out of me.

“That’s not necessary. We can manage.”

“It’s already done,” he replies, hanging up the phone.

I stare at my phone, going over the conversation. I’m still not sure how I feel about it. The only thing I do like is that tomorrow Gia will be in my arms once again.

Well, if I’m not walking into a trap…


. . .

“Another fucking day in paradise,” I mutter, feeling lost. I should be asleep trying to prepare myself for another round with Sam tomorrow, but I’m too wired. I honestly don’t know how much more I can stand. If I wasn’t on the third floor, I’d climb out the window and try to find my freedom that way. I’m getting desperate enough to try it regardless of the height.

There’s a knock on my door and without warning Sam comes inside. I scurry off the bed and try to prepare myself for war. I grab a lamp off my bedside table, holding it up as a weapon. “If you come near me, Sam, so help me God, Iwillkill you.”

In response, Sam smiles at me, but I see the sadness that is etched on his face. His eye is swollen and slightly bruised. I feel a small amount of satisfaction. It will no doubt get darker, but I am sad that it’s not more swollen already.

“You can calm down, Angie. Believe it or not, our kiss showed me that we have no future, at least not a romantic one. I’m sincerely sorry for hurting you and for forcing you into that kiss. I hope that one day you can forgive me enough to be my friend and little sister again.”

“I’m not sure that’s possible,” I tell him truthfully.

“All I ask is that you think about it. Right now, I would like to offer you a peace offering.”
