Page 88 of Deadly Protector

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“I think you can trust him, Victor, but please be safe. Sam isn’t the same person I remember from my childhood.”

“I’ll be careful, Gia. I just need you back in my arms.”

“I want that, too.”

“When you get back, we’re going to have a discussion about the fact that you went out with another man whenyourman forbade it.”

“Although you seem to set feminism back to the dark ages with that whole forbade word, believe me when I tell you that if I had it to do over, I would tell Sam to go fuck himself.”

“Is that my sweet, innocent Kitten using the word fuck?” he purrs.

I feel my panties getting wet. God, I need him. “Maybe…”

“You’ll need to make this up to me when we’re together again,” he adds.

“How would I do that?” I ask.

“I’ll think of something. Still, your punishment might be less severe if you touch yourself for me right now.”

“I love you, but I’m not doing that in a bed that Sam owns, Victor.” My whole body finds the idea revolting. I cringe just thinking about it.

“You will tomorrow night when I’m there with you. You’ll give me everything I want.”

“I’d rather you take me far away from anything to do with Sam.”

That makes him laugh and I enjoy the sound, closing my eyes, my heart filled with happiness.

“Now, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear from you days ago,” he points out.

“I’m sorry, Victor.”

“I love you, baby. You need to get some rest because I plan on wearing you out tomorrow.”

“Sweet dreams, honey,” I breathe.

“You, too, Kitten. Keep that phone close by. Call me when you wake up.”

“I will,” I promise, and then I hang up. I don’t want to, but he’s right, we both have busy days tomorrow.

I can’t wait…


. . .

I’m used to expensive, palatial estates. Antonio and Marco’s have been some of the finest ever made, I’m sure. Samuil Levkin’s, however, is beyond that. His driveway is over six miles long with two gates, and each of them has guardhouses. There are statues dotting the otherwise grassy landscape. The huge ten-foot gates are glossy, black wrought iron with the letter L intricately woven into a complicated design. The L is displayed in gold. I’m almost positive it’s solid gold. I mean, if you have it, I guess there’s nothing wrong with wasting money if that’s what you want. But those two gold initials could probably feed a third world country for years.

We’re just now pulling up to the front drive which stops at the huge home that looks to be five stories. The drive is a mixture of concrete and brick. The home itself is white with complicated, white and black toned brick terraces, along with other outdoor areas that blend in seamlessly with the home.

I’d call the overall effect intimidating, but so far from a home that my Gia would love that it is absurd. I’m worn out and I feel like I’m crawling out of my skin. The need to get her out of here burns inside of me. That feeling only increases as our cars come to a stop. My crew and I are in two vehicles. I’m sitting withGhost in one vehicle. Lodi, Levi, and Zane are in the other. EZ and a few others are in town, awaiting instructions. If they don’t hear from us, EZ has enough firepower and explosives to come find us. That’s also something that only Ghost, EZ, and I know. It sucks to keep secrets from my own team, but until I find out who Levkin has planted in our organization, I have no choice. Hell, I purposefully divided the way we’re grouped in the cars because I can’t look at the other men without wondering which one is stabbing me in the back. My gut tells me that of all of them, I can trust Levi. Right now, I’m not sure I can trust my gut, and that’s a problem.

As we get out, there’s a man standing on the top step by the huge double front doors, waiting for us. When we get to him, he bows his head…Christ.He just bowed his fucking head.I don’t even know what to do with that.

“Follow me,” he says, never giving us eye contact. “As we move through the huge foyer full of elaborate stairways, my gaze shifts around, searching for my Gia. The outside of the home went for a statement of old money, and the inside was expensive marble tile and hand-carved woodwork. Personally, I wouldn’t have been surprised to look up and see Leonardo DiCaprio standing at the top of the grand staircase—as if we were on The Titanic itself.”

Our escort stops at a door which has also been hand-carved, then he turns to face us. “Your men have been asked to wait in the sitting area,” he informs us, his hand indicating a bunch of couches and chairs over to our right. Mr. Levkin will see you in his office, through this door. I nod to Ghost and Zane and then, all my men walk over there. They, however, don’t sit. They stand. Half faces one side of the home, the other half face me. They also keep their backs to one another—ready for anything.

“I want to see my woman,” I tell Sam as soon as I open the door.
