Page 19 of Out of His League

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My defeated tone has her laughing, breaking the tension in the room.

“You are okay, though, right? No more cutting?” Kennedy asks, concerned, tears pooling in her eyes.

Not wanting to mention the other night’s little episode, I paste a fake smile on, making my voice sound bright.

“No, I’m fine.”

We spend the rest of the evening in light-hearted conversation. The guys teasing us aboutCelebrity Spouse.

They all watch me, the weight of their gaze heavy, trying to gauge my mood and not be obvious about it. My good day and happy mood got shit on the moment Karoline showed up at the door.

Lying in bed, Kennedy softly snoring from across the room, my mind drifts. Brock’s incessant calling is long forgotten as various scenarios play out surrounding Karoline’s presence.



Since our team meeting let out, I have been trying to get in touch with Kassidy. Each time, her phone rings with no answer, going to voicemail before I dial again, repeating the process. She needs to hear about this from me, not someone else. Kassidy is going to think I had something to do with this and set her up.

My only option is to stalk her building. I hope to catch her before she heads to class this morning.

The alarm went off way too fucking early this morning. Leaning against the building Kassidy said they live in, I stifle a yawn. It’s still early, and my hair is still damp from the quick shower after my workout. Typically my ass would just be rolling out of bed and heading to the gym.

Each time the door opens, my body stiffens, waiting for Kassidy or even one of her goons to exit the building. Several people give me strange looks as they pass me, but I ignore them. Unsure how long I stand here, the door opens, and finally, Kassidy and her friends exit the building. Straightening up, I wait until their group gets closer. Knowing I have been spotted when Kassidy comes to a stop, I step up to her.

“Can we talk for a few moments?”

“We’ll wait for you,” the girl with them says. Process of elimination tells me that is Kennedy. She is a pretty blonde, but the redhead in front of me is prettier.

Her friends take several steps away, giving the illusion of privacy. Past the point of caring, there is no doubt in my mind they will find out shortly, regardless.

“I was trying to get in touch with you last night. You didn’t answer your phone,” my words are slightly accusatory as I delay the reason for my stalking.

“Something came up,” she says wearily. “What is so important that you were blowing up my phone and are now stalking me?”

“What’s wrong?” Kassidy isn’t her typical firecracker self, putting me on instant alert.

“Is that really what you want to ask right now?” Not giving me a chance to answer, Kassidy starts to walk away.

Gripping her elbow gently, her movement stops. Stepping in front of her, separating her and her friends, I make sure her focus is on me.

“Sorry,” she reluctantly lifts her gaze to meet mine at my sincere tone. “You know how the baseball team had that meeting last night?”

A slight nod is the only response she gives me. Forging ahead, I word-vomit everything. “We got all of our schedules last night. The long and short of it is that the coach and my father have made arrangements for you to travel with the team for the away games.”

Kassidy’s mouth gapes. Her eyes blink slowly, her face void of any emotion. Getting concerned, I look over my shoulder, stepping to the side so they can see her.

“Is she okay?” I call out.

They all rush over, Kennedy wrapping Kassidy up in a hug. Glaring at me, her scathing tone is enough to gut a man.

“What the fuck did you say to her?” Kennedy barks at me as she wraps her arms tighter around Kassidy.

Holding my hands up in surrender, Kassidy tries to speak. “He…we…and I…go…”

“What did you say to her?” Kennedy bites out, her grip on Kassidy tightening as she stares at me. Her four men puff their chests out in irritation, ready to take a swing at me any second.

Scrubbing my hands over my face and heaving out a breath, my words are just loud enough for our group. “Last night we had a team meeting?—”
