Page 16 of Imperfectly Yours

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“Why is this coming up again?”

“Small world,” I mumbled, snagging the empty wrappers littering the counters.

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

“His wife just moved here.”

“Well, fuck.”

Yup. My thoughts exactly. Though unlike a couple of weeks ago, the sight of her didn’t make dread curl in my gut. I wasalmostlooking forward to it. But replacing the man I let die in my arms wasn’t on my to-do list, so I needed to get over that fast.

It had been another week,and another failed swim lesson.

Thoughfailwas too harsh for how the afternoon had gone. I’d hoped to get two lessons in. But between Tina needing to take the kids with her to school since her parents were traveling, Callie’s dance schedule, and my own responsibilities at The Dock, we could only make one work.

It wasn’t a total bust. Although Teddy hadn’t gotten into the water, Tina’s laugh had worked as our soundtrack while Ipretendedto give Callie lessons.

Tina spent her time chasing Teddy around, finding creative ways to keep him entertained. It was obvious she was an attentive mom who gave her kids 110 percent. I winced when I thought about that first day and how I’d yelled at her for her inattention.

As for Teddy, he hadn’t graduated past sitting on the side and kicking his feet. Callie, on the other hand, was a quick learner. She’d even mastered a few laps using the correct kicking motion. She was a natural, and with more practice, she would be a strong swimmer.

Texting with Tina had become a daily thing this past week as well, and I found myself enjoying it. Maybe it was because we didn’t talk about my leg or how I was feeling. Our texts mostly involved funny GIFs and mundane conversation. She didn’t treat me with kid gloves. Rather than pitying me when I told her I was sore after physical therapy, she called me an old man.

I glanced at the seat next to me as I drove toward Tina’s and shook my head at the big inflatable raft. Rhett wasn’t thrilled when I asked to skip out early on a Saturday, but I hoped my plan to get Teddy in the water this time worked. He loved cars and ice cream, and I wasn’t above bribing—with Tina’s permission. Maybe the float, in addition to the new swim jammers Tina said he loved, would be enough to coax him in. Tina warned that he might freak out if he gets wet,but he didn’t the day he fell in the lake, so maybe there was hope.

I parked in Tina’s driveway and scanned the houses on the street as I climbed out of the truck. Across the way, Mrs. Jones sat in a rocker on her front porch, smiling and waving, oblivious to the glare I was sending her way.

She’d be running her mouth again the second I turned around.

It had only taken twenty-four hours for the news of me leaving Tina’s house last Saturday night to spread around. I couldn’t wait to get out of this small nosy-ass town.

But then again, part of me didn’t hate that everyone knew I was hanging out with Tina. I smirked and sent the old lady a wave.That’s right. Let everyone know you saw me here again.Because this wasmine.

Shit. What was I saying? This was Hughes’s, not mine. I needed to remember that.

Tina laughed as I came through the gate carrying the big car inflatable.

“A car!” Teddy exclaimed, running full tilt toward me. “I ride in it?”

“You can…”

He smiled brightly.

“But you might get a little wet. Want to try it?”

His face fell, and a look of apprehension took over as he peeked over his shoulder at Tina, then eyed the float once more. Finally, he gave me a hesitant nod.

“Perfect. Give me a minute, and then we’ll try it.” I turned to Tina, who had a smirk plastered on her face.

“What?” I asked, feigning innocence.

“You realize you’re setting a precedent, right?”

“In the pool is progress, even if it’s riding in a float.” I shrugged. “So he likes the jammers?”

“Understatement of the year. Hasn’t taken themoff at all since they came yesterday. The chlorine will clean them, right? ’Cause I’m not sure how I’ll talk him into changing so I can wash them.”
