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“The photos…” Avalynn glanced at him. He read the surprise on her face and realized that she didn’t have a clue that the engagement had been planned down to Lark shooting photos of them in order to leak them.

Lark’s cheeks grew pink. “Do you want to see them?”

“Yes.” Avalynn’s voice sounded with its usual strength.

Lark produced her computer tablet and moved to Avalynn’s side. As she flipped through the photos of their special moments in the desert, Julius watched her closely.

Finally, she nodded. “Thank you, Lark. Who took these?”

“I did.”

Avalynn’s head whipped around, and she pierced her with her gaze. “They’re very well done. Tasteful enough.” She looked to her manager. “What response are the photos getting?”

“We’ve been watching social media all day, Avalynn. So far, it’s looking very favorable. The fans are so excited about the news of your engagement. And the media’s going nuts asking how they missed it all these months.”

“Months?” she echoed.

“I changed the timestamps on the images,” Lark said.

Avalynn glanced his way. “So clever of you, Lark.”

“Oh, I can’t take credit for that. It was Julius’s order.”

Again, Avalynn sought him out. Automatically, he wove through people to reach her side. He guided her to the sofa, and she sank into her usual corner spot.

He hovered over her. “Do you want some tea?”

“No. Thank you, Julius.”

He nodded.

She patted the seat next to her, and he sat. As her PR team began filling her in about the response to her engagement photos—and how they were now connecting them to that sex tape—he watched her reactions. If she even started to look remotely upset, he was calling this meeting and kicking everyone out.

Avalynn’s hands were in her lap, and she toyed with her ring, sliding it up and down her narrow finger.

When she began twisting it, he reached over and rested his hand over hers. She shot him a sideways glance and stilled.

“Oh, this is such a great comment from theNew York Times!” Lana bounced on her seat. “‘Avalynn Ray’s music will live on in the hearts of people across the world, and we will join them in wishing her every happiness with her impending nuptials!”

Avalynn’s full lips he’d spent half the night kissing tipped at the corners, and the glow of happiness in her eyes was unmistakable.

“It really is working!” she said.

“The tides have turned. It looks as if your reputation is restored.” Clay’s statement had everyone nodding and Avalynn looking even more relieved.

Lark cleared her throat. Everybody looked at her, but Avalynn’s brows pinched as if she knew something big was coming.

“Uh…there is one little thing.”

“Just say it, Lark.” Julius’s tone took on an edge.

She offered him an apologetic look. “Some people think she shouldn’t marry you. Some worry that you won’t be able to…keep her satisfied.”

Jennings stuffed his fist against his mouth, probably stifling laughter. That bastard.

Lark went on, “And there’s more than one comment on the post for enlargement suggestions.”

Julius coughed. Damn, that burned.
