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She set her hands on the table. “You’re asking me to sign divorce papers.”

Julius bowed his head.

“If Mr. Abel desires a monetary settlement—”

He jerked his head up and cut off her lawyer. “Mr. Abel does not desire that.”

Her heart flipped over.

Catching Julius’s gaze, she searched his eyes for the truth of his feelings.

What she saw there gave her the push to speak.

“You gave me my dream wedding. My first best night of my life.”

A sigh rippled through her team.

She continued, “And a honeymoon that…” Their gazes clung.

After several heartbeats, he gave her a small nod.

He growled roughly. “I don’t know how to do it. I don’t know how to let you go. I’ve been living with you for six months. I don’t know how this will work, but—”

“I do.” She pushed away from the table, circled to where the lawyer sat and picked up the stack of papers. She tore them in half down the middle and then walked to the trash can and dropped the sheaf in.

By the time she turned around, Julius was there, scooping her into his arms, his mouth slamming over hers.

A cheer echoed in the room, but she was only aware of her husband’s kisses and the feel of his arms surrounding her.

When they broke away, he twisted his head to look at the team. “Everyone out. We are still on our honeymoon.”

She giggled as he whipped her into his arms and carried her the few steps over the threshold of the bedroom. He kicked the door closed and continued walking to the bed. When he lay her on the mattress, she hooked her thighs around his waist and dragged him down on top of her.

Need spiked inside her. Those fears of what she might face in that meeting fled, replaced by all the love she saw burning in Julius’s eyes.


“Look at them. All that muscle.” Avalynn stood back with Lark and Dove, watching their men training. The facility was operated by part of the WEST Protection team. After what happened to her, Julius demanded that they all take a trip to Montana every year for the training.

The team had been hard at work running drills for most of the afternoon, and Avalynn was glad for the fresh mountain air. It beat being cooped up indoors. While she appreciated the hospitality of the Wynton family so much, Mrs. Wynton liked to cook. And lately, food smells were bothering her.

She stared at Julius’s back as he launched himself over a wall. Her eyes blurred with the tears that were never far away right now. She knew why, of course. Had known for weeks. She just hadn’t broken the news to her husband for fear that if he knew she was carrying his child, he would never let her come with him on this trip. And there was no way she was being left out.

“Go, guys! Great job!” Lark cheered from beside her.

Dove and Avalynn joined in the applause as all three of their men finished the course and sauntered toward them, with Jennings bringing up the rear of the crew.

Dove rushed forward to throw her arms around Quaide. They’d recently married in a private ceremony and Quaide was still grumbling that he had to cut their honeymoon short for the training.

He wrapped his arms around his wife and lifted her off her feet. At that moment, Clay reached for Lark. She giggled and wrapped her thighs around his hips. He kissed her laughing mouth.

Julius said something to Jennings and then bumped fists with his brother. When his stare centered on Avalynn, his eyes lit with all the love that had only built between them over the past year together.

“You did great.” She grinned at him.

He swept her into his arms but squeezed her a little too tight. Her stomach pitched.

“Uh…would you mind setting me down?”
