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He needed to see how the church pastor was involved.

After checking to see that no one was around, he placed a call to his boss. Clay Lexis demanded regular check-ins, and Jennings was going to get his ass chewed for going a few days without calling.

“It’s me,” he said as soon as Lexis’s voice filtered into his ear.

“About damn time, Abel. We had an agreement.”

“I know. But I’m closer.”

Silence hung between them for a moment. “How close?” Lexis asked.

“I’m patched in. We’re hanging at the bar.”

“Good. Keep—”

Glass smashed and the crash of splintering wood hit his ears. He quickly stepped into the bar in time to see his cohorts kicking a couple other guys’ asses.

Karl gripped a man around the throat while another dude whipped out a knife. Jennings started forward to keep his fellow Disciple from being stabbed, but three other guys distracted the assailant by flipping their table.

With the phone still locked to his ear, Jennings edged closer to watch the fight. His “buddies” seemed to be holding their own. Mack grabbed a beer bottle off the nearest table and smashed it over the head of the guy wielding the knife. He dropped like a rock to the bottom of a river.

“What the fuck’s going on, Abel?” Lexis demanded.

“Just a bar fight.”

Another huge crash sounded, and Dean rushed out from around the bar, baseball bat in hand.

“Sounds like more than a bar fight.”

The explosion of gunfire stopped Karl from strangling the life out of one of the Disciples’ enemies. Jennings’s gaze darted around the room, searching for the path of the bullet even as the odor of gunpowder burned his nostrils.

“Jesus, was that a gunshot?” Lexis’s voice elevated.

“Just a little scuffle,” he assured his boss.


A man raised a chair into the air and brought it down hard over another guy. He collapsed, blood pouring from a gash in his head.

“I’d call it a skirmish,” Jennings said.

Another gunshot blasted through the bar. People screamed and stampeded to the exit.

“Jesus Christ, Abel. Get the hell out of there. I’m not calling your momma in Tennessee and telling her that she lost a son.”

“She’s got four more,” he said dryly, watching the progression of the brawl. The Disciples seemed to be holding their own. He didn’t need to jump in quite yet. They wouldn’t appreciate it if he did—it would make them look weak.

“How’s the construction coming on Livingston’s house?” Jennings turned the subject.

Lexis grunted but went along with the subject change. “He’s making the basement into the Sentry office. There’s an outside entrance so it will be easy to come and go.”

“Great. Can’t wait to see it.” More loud thuds, followed by another bullet whizzing across the now mostly empty bar.

“If you live long enough to.”

“All good here.”

“Stay safe, Abel. I know you always feel like you have something to prove, being the youngest man on the team.”
