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His lips quirked up at one corner, giving him an even more bad-boy look. Her insides fluttered with desire that started the instant he settled her on his hard thighs. When she began kissing his neck, it was only half for show. The rest had been her.

He lifted one hand and cupped her cheek. “What do you think I owe you?”

Darting her tongue across her lips, she held his stare. “You look good to me.”

Something moved in the depths of those dark eyes. His jaw firmed as if he clenched it. “I’m glad to hear that, but you don’t want to get tangled up with me. Not that way.”

She covered the back of his hand with her own. “What if I want you to break my dry spell?”

His nostrils flared. “How long’s it been for you?”

“Six months.” Even as she said it, she recalled the horrible disappointment of that date. He wouldn’t know a clitoris if somebody drew him a diagram. And he was a med student.

Emboldened, she took a step toward Jennings. She placed her hand over the bulge in the front of his jeans, molding her fingers to his thick, hard length.

He groaned. “You’re playing with fire, woman.”

“You sure it’s not the other way around?”

“Fuck. No, I’m not. What the hell are you doing to me?”

“Seducing you.” She backed him up a step to the bed. Being the aggressor came with a heady surge of power. Or it could be the aftereffects of breathing in so much pot smoke, or the fact that she had an hour of sleep after being kidnapped out of her apartment and dragged into a dark underworld.

She stroked his cock through his jeans.

A primal groan burst out of him as he locked his hands on her ass and dragged her up against his body. With a grind of his cock into her pussy, he wrapped her hair in his fist and gently tugged her head back.

Her pulse raced. Need spiked. If she was going to be forced to act like his “bitch,” the least she could do was gain some pleasure out of it.

“You sure about this, Wren?”

The use of her name brought her down to earth. Her answer remained the same.

“Yes,” she murmured.

He leaned in. “You’resure?” The scent of man and leather washed through her senses.

Her pussy squeezed. “Positive.”

His eyes narrowed. “Give me your mouth.”

She tipped her face up to his. When he swooped in and claimed her lips, she let out a small cry. Hooking her arms around his neck, she yanked him down for more. Angling his head, he slanted kiss after kiss over her lips as he rocked his cock against her pussy.

On a whimper of need, she hitched herself up and locked her legs around his waist. Strong fingers kneaded her ass as he took two steps to the bed and collapsed with her.

His chiseled body pinned her down and his kisses drugged her. Passion blazed hot in her core as she realized a man like Jennings might actuallyfinallygive her the satisfaction she’d been craving all these months. The release from stress that would put a bounce in her step and give her the best night’s sleep of her life.

His mouth crashed onto hers. His tongue swept over hers in a slick glide that promised that he was good at using that body part too.

Shivering, she slid her hands under the leather of the vest they called a cut and eased it off his bulky shoulders. He let her remove that and his T-shirt as well.

Once again, when she saw the bare skin on his chest where all the other Disciples sported a tattoo, she stilled. “You’re really not one of them.”

He searched her eyes. “I’m really not.”

“That makes you even hotter.” She yanked him back to her, taking control of their kisses for long minutes until she realized he was only humoring her.

He tore from the kiss and went for her neck, latching on with a purpose that told her he was finished playing around. This man knew how to get down to business.
