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She couldn’t even leave work due to illness because Jennings demanded that she ride with him. And if she did leave, she wasn’t allowed to go to her apartment anyway.

However, the thought of spending more nights with her hot protectordidappeal. All those muscles justwaitingfor her to look at them, to touch them. His skin was velvet covering steel. His hands perfectly rough, each small callus at the base of each finger exerting mind-spinning sensation on her needy flesh.

And god, the man could lick pussy. The dark pressure of his tongue on her clit—

“There you are.”

Jolted from her reverie, Wren focused on the woman standing in the doorway, holding dirty towels.

She flicked her stare from the cheap terrycloth to her coworker and friend’s face. “Hi, Janine.”

The brunette had been hired around the same time that Wren started working at Spring Valley Nursing Facility, and it provided them an instant bond. They’d suffered together through training and the growing pains of caring for the elderly.

Janine cocked her head to the side, the warm brown eyes that she was known for among the staff and patients scrutinizing Wren. “You look different.”

She arched a brow. “Different how?”

“I don’t know. Something’s definitely different, though.”

She extended a hand to the wall dispenser, and antibacterial liquid dispensed into her palm. She rubbed her hands together. “Nope. Nothing’s different.”

“Oh my god! I know what it is! You had sex!”

Wren gaped at her friend. “How did you know?” she blurted before she could even think about denying it.

Janine bounced up and down. “Youdidhave sex! Oh my god, tell me all about it!”

She wrinkled her nose. “Not in here. Let’s grab a coffee.”

Janine hurried out of the small space and strode to the employee break area. She racked up two paper cups on the counter and sloshed coffee from the pot into both. When she thrust one into Wren’s hand, her eyes danced with excitement.

“There. You’ve got your coffee. Now spill it, girl!”

Wren curled her fingers around the warm drink. The grin spreading across her face was totally unexpected considering the circumstances in which she’d met the man she slept with.

“Well?” Janine looked like a firework about to explode and shoot through the sky.

Wren inhaled the aroma of what passed for coffee around this place. “It was the best sex of my life.”

“I knew it by that look on your face!”

How did she look? Her usual expression was pinched with fatigue and her eyes dimmed of any life she formerly had before her life went to hell.

Her insides tingled at the memory of Jennings sinking into her. How his hard biceps flexed with each jerk of his body.

She leaned in to whisper to her friend. “I’ve never had such amazing sex. Ever!”

Instead of bouncing up and down again, Janine cocked her head to study Wren. “Are you sure it was the best?”

“What do you mean?”

“Maybe you think so because it’s been so long.”

She took a swig of coffee. “You’re right. I should probably do it again to be sure.”

Janine giggled and held up her paper cup. Wren bumped hers gently against it so as not to spill either drink and give them something else to clean up around here.

She glanced at one of the hundreds of clocks the nurses relied on for everything. “Damn, I’ve got to do meds.” She took another mouthful of coffee before setting aside the cup. She’d never come back to finish drinking it, and later on, she’d have to toss it in the wastebasket.
