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She flipped onto her back, eyes closing on the little aftershocks of bliss zapping her system.

When she felt Jennings’s weight on the bed, she opened her eyes to see him crawling in. His steely arm banded around her middle and he hitched her tight against him. His lips branded hers with a kiss so tender that it left her…stunned.

Who was this man really, when he wasn’t acting like a big, tough biker?

After he broke the kiss, he smoothed the hair off her cheek. “How are you holding up, honey?”

She blinked at him. “I can’t believe you’re asking.”

“Don’t look so shocked. You’ve been through a lot.” Again, he stroked a fingertip over her cheek.

Talking about her emotions while a man held her was completely new. The men she’d been with got out of bed and left immediately after the act was finished. And none of them gave a damn about her state of mind.

“It’s been a lot to take in.” She bit down on her bottom lip.

His stare shifted to her mouth. A crease appeared between his dark brows. “You’re doing great.”

She started to shake her head, but he trapped the point of her chin between his thumb and forefinger.

Holding her gaze, he insisted, “Yes, youare. You took care of your brother. You’re helping me to stay undercover. Hell, you identified the guy who visited the home as the same one on the phone at the church. You should know how much that helps. We’re still digging into the visitor’s log and the surveillance from that day.”

“It’s my job to look and listen.”

“You’re smart enough to realize that something bigger was happening with that guy at the bar and the takeout bag.”

“Because two guys tackled him! Over a burger!”

He trailed his finger over her lips, a silent reminder to keep her voice down. Then he followed the caress with another kiss. The soft stamp of his mouth melted her insides like warm syrup over a pat of butter.

When he drew back, their gazes connected. Suddenly shy, she ducked her head against his shoulder.

He held her close but didn’t speak. Long minutes later, she said, “I can’t believe I’ve slept next to you twice. And after sex too.”

She felt the rhythm of his breathing change. “What do you mean?” he asked.

“I mean you didn’t have to sleep beside me. Most guys leave. But I appreciate that you stay. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it makes me feel safer.”

He swept his hand over her spine. “I’m not leaving you alone in this place, Wren. Or any other place.”

Her gut tightened at the memory of what happened last time he walked away from her and that guy called Darius Dark yanked her down on his lap and started groping her.

As if understanding the direction of her thoughts, Jennings pressed his lips to her forehead. “Nothing like that will happen again. I promise.”

Her insides juddered. “And what you said to that guy?”

He studied her face. “Which part?”

Her breaths came faster. “The ‘my property’ part.”

For a heartbeat, his chest stopped moving. “I was just getting my point across to a guy who owns three brain cells.”

She giggled. The dull expression on Darius Dark’s face definitely indicated he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the box.

She felt Jennings relax against her. He glided his hand down her back to cup her ass. Her amusement cut off, replaced by the hot ache of desire when he dipped his fingers low and gathered the juices left from her last orgasm.

Sinking her fingers into his shoulders, she levered herself upward and straddled him. “I hope that drawer’s well-stocked with condoms.”

His eyes crinkled with a bad-boy smile. “Oh, it is, baby.”
