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“Good. Because I’m going to”—she leaned in, rubbing her bare breasts against his muscled chest—“ride your hard cock until I stop thinking.”

He released his grip on her waist to snake out a hand for one of those condoms. “If you’re looking for sex amnesia, I’m your guy.”

Her laugh was throatier this time as she sucked on the side of his neck. “I have no doubt at all that you can handle me.”

And anything else that comes up.

Chapter Nine

Jennings had been a light sleeper ever since his four older brothers got old enough to prank him.

They drew weird eyebrows with magic marker. They did the old tried-and-true shaving cream in the palm then tickle the nose trick. When the shaving cream hit his face, he’d startled out of a damn good dream. Of course, he no longer recalled the dream but he could still smell the pine scent of the cream.

A half-dozen other tricks were played on the baby of the family until he started rearing up in bed and scaring his brothers so bad they left skid marks in their tightey-whiteys. Now he practically slept with one eye open—nothing could get past him, especially within the walls of the Disciples’ clubhouse.

So when Wren tried to ease out of bed without waking him, he latched on to her wrist.

She let out a gasp and twisted to look at him.

He searched her face. “God, you’re lovely this morning.”

Her lips, already parted with surprise, formed anO. Her eyelids hooded, showing off those long, natural lashes he’d noticed the first time he saw her. The way she twisted to look at him, her hair tumbling over one shoulder, made her look like the muse of an artist.

He skimmed a finger down her thin side. If he had his way, he would get her out of this situation and then do everything possible to give her peace from the stress she suffered. To put a healthy glow in her cheeks and a few more pounds on her would become his number one goal—if he let it.

“Where are you going?” His voice came out a bit throatier than it did most mornings.

“To the shower. I have to be at work soon.”

“I’ll be ready to drive you.”

She nodded and eased out of bed. He watched her hips sway as she padded across the room. Alone with him, she wasn’t so edgy. He hated that he needed her to play this role, but it was the only way to keep her safe and him from being made after Viper’s death.

Damn, her ass was a nice little handful. Thinking of closing his hands on it and pulling her down on his cock made his balls tighten with desire.

He needed to get a grip. His team would pick up on the changed vibe between him and Wren in a heartbeat.

Once the bathroom door closed, he reached for his phone.

He’d barely picked it up before it started vibrating with an incoming call. He glanced at the ID and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, at full alert.

“What’s up?”

Lexis’s gruff voice filled his ear. “I called to warn you.”

“Great start to the day. Warn me about what?” He shot a glance at the closed bathroom door. At that moment, the shower started. He couldn’t get distracted by the thought of hot water slicking over Wren’s naked body but was relieved that the noise would muffle his conversation.

“The body was found.”

Lexis’s statement hardened his muscles to granite.

“Jesus Christ, man. Who did you send to clean up? We’ve never had this happen so quick.”

“The guy hasn’t been identified yet.”

“It’s only a matter of time before they figure it out.”

“We’re handling it.”
