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Footsteps moved away. Minutes passed and then he heard Wren again. “Here’s your food, Mr. Craig. Meatloaf and mashed potatoes—one of your favorites. And your pills. Take these first and then I can check off that you’ve taken them.”

“Oh, I can make certain my grandpa takes his medication.” Ethan’s voice drew Jennings around the corner.

“I’m sure you’re great at taking care of your grandpa, but it’s my job to make sure he takes his pills.”

“I said I’ll do it.”

Jennings’s fists knotted at his sides. Both Ethan’s tone and the fact he was using it on Jennings’s woman had red sparks of irritation flying through his head.

“Again, I appreciate your dedication to his care, but it’s my job.” Wren spoke with a little more emphasis, an indication that she wasn’t happy about the way he spoke to her either.

“I haven’t seen my grandpa in weeks. You can go now.”

“Not until he takes his pills in front of me.”

“I don’t know what you’re worried about. Are you calling me incompetent?”

“Look, Ethan, I already told you that I know you have your grandpa’s best interests in mind. Butthisis my job. Mr. Craig, please take your pills for me.”

“You’re all jerks in this place! This is why I don’t come here!” Ethan’s heavy footsteps clomped. In a second, he reached the door and took off down the hall toward the exit.

Jennings didn’t hesitate to follow. As soon as the kid made it out of the building, he grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and threw him against the wall. Ethan let out a squawk of surprise but the glare he fixed on Jennings was all tough guy.

“You were out of line in there, kid,” Jennings bit out.

“Who the hell are you and why are you butting into my business?”

“You wanted the nurse to leave so you could take your grandpa’s drugs, didn’t you?”

“You don’t know anything, man.” He struggled in Jennings’s hold and took a swing at him.

Jennings just pinned him to the wall and delivered a cuff to the ear that would ring his bell and followed up with a sock to the midsection meant to knock the air out of him without causing real damage.

“Unless you actually come here to see your grandpa instead of looking for a fix, don’t come back. Got it?”

The kid sucked in a deep breath to fill his lungs again.

Jennings gave him another little shake and then shoved him toward the parking lot. “Go. And next time you talk to nurses that way, you’d better be looking over your shoulder. Because I’ll be right behind you.”

Ethan staggered away, picking up speed as he went.

Jennings watched him until he got in his beat-up car and drove off. He considered going inside to check on Wren, but she’d handled herself with all the professional poise he’d come to expect from her.

She would make it to the end of her shift. Then he’d put her on the back of his bike and take her out for a night on the town. During the brief call to his team, he’d made plans to meet them all in Denver for a small celebration. Livingston’s birthday would definitely have them all unwinding in style. Being with his team felt like his momma calling all her sons to the table for one of their big family dinners.

When Wren finally emerged from the building, he was there to slide his arm around her. Pulling her against him, finally, after that asshole kid harassed her, brought on a peace and calm that Jennings never expected.

He led her to his bike and handed her his helmet.

Her beautiful gaze lifted to his. “When are you going to buy yourself one of these?” She strapped it on.

Staring at her, he brushed his thumb over her plump lips. “Does that mean you’re here to stay?”

* * * * *

Jennings’s question tumbled through Wren’s mind over and over again. As soon as she thought it would land, it took flight again like a leaf on the breeze.

The feel of his big, hard body in front of her didn’t provide the right kind of distraction, either. Every turn they took on the road, each curve they leaned into together, amped up her libido even more.
