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She looked at Avalynn and mouthed:Oh my god!

“Go! When a hot guy wants to dance with you, you go!” Avalynn shooed her off with a flick of her napkin.

With another yank, he hauled Wren to her feet. A laugh bubbled out of her, one of the first he’d ever heard. Spurred on by the sound, he led her to the main part of the restaurant.

Live music and dancers had the place hopping. Sentry had chosen this place for its distance from Spring Valley and also East Canon, but seeing the bar packed with people made him a little on edge.

He covertly scanned the patrons for black leather or the Disciples patch. He’d changed into nicer clothes and fit in with the crowd but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be recognized. Seeing no cause for concern, he pulled Wren forward.

He drew her right into the crowd. The country tune had the floor shaking with people stomping their boots in sync.

“Jennings! I can’t dance like this!”

He tossed her a look over his shoulder. “I got you, baby.”

He spun her into his arms and did a hip grind at the same time every other man participating in the dance did. Loud hoots drowned out the music.

Hands latched around Wren’s waist, he rocked his hips into hers suggestively before dropping to a half-split.

Eyes wide with shock, she cupped her palms over her mouth. When he popped to his feet again, he grabbed her and gave her a twirl. Her squeal filled his ears, infectious enough to get his blood pounding.

The heavy thump of boots and drums hit his system. He spun Wren out again. This time she nearly toppled over, but he caught her and anchored her to his side. Holding her gaze, he started to move his feet, slowly at first, showing her the step.

She stumbled through a few imitations before she got it. Only then did he increase the speed. As she caught on, the music changed, but the dancers continued the steps for several more bars.

Jennings spun her out and then in. Her curves pressed against his body, and he ground his hips again.

“Woooo! Lucky woman!” a lady dancing near them cheered.

Wren’s pretty face was lit with such happiness that it felt like a warm, cozy fire in his soul. Seeing the pink flush in her cheeks and the sparkle in her eyes drove him to put them there every single day.

Though she couldn’t catch on to more than a few of the steps, she tried. Finally, she stood back, hand extended for him to do the honors for them both, and watched him finish out the dance.

The band switched gears, slowing things down so everyone could catch their breath. With his hand on Wren’s ass, he brought her into his arms. They began to sway to the ballad about love and the girl next door.

He tucked her head under his chin. Her ear was pressed to his chest. “Your heart isn’t even beating fast after all that.”

He smiled down at her. “Lots of practice.”

“You have a lot of talents I never would have guessed at.”

“Not surprised. After all, your first impression of me was at the church.”

Head tipped back, she studied his eyes. “I know you better now.”

His lips quirked. “You did well keeping up with the dance.”

At that, she tossed her head on a laugh. The sultry line of her throat invited his lips, and he couldn’t help but lower his mouth to her pulse. She sucked in a sharp breath, fingers digging into the muscle of his shoulders.

Tracing the curve of her throat up to her ear, he drank in her delicious scent. “This dress…” He ran his hand over her rounded ass again. “It makes me want to find a dark corner.”

Her breath hitched. “And do what?”

He nipped at her earlobe. “Yank it up. Tear off your panties and sink inside your tight pussy.”

She sucked in a gasp. “This hat…”

He pierced her in his gaze. “You like it?”
