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The drug dealer gave a slow nod as if he’d made up his mind about something. “He owes me money…but I’ll settle for you.”

She let out a gasp. “Settle for me?”

“Yup. I could use a good woman. Get dressed. You’re coming with me.”

“I am not going anywhere with you!”

He gave her a look that said she wasn’t very bright. “Of course you are, sweetheart.”

“Don’t call me sweetheart!”

“Oh, you’re feisty too. Even better. Okay, I’ll figure out what to call you later. Meet me in the living room in two minutes.” He started toward the door.

“I can’t leave with you!”

He swung back, piercing her in a heavy stare. “You can and you will,” he said slowly. “If you want to ever see your brother again. By the way, you call me Viper.”

With that, he sauntered out of the room as if he hadn’t just ordered her to leave with him—or said that he’d settle for her.

Settle for her doing what?

A dozen possibilities flew through her tired brain, none of them good.

She hurried to grab some clothes. What choice did she have? She had to get Danny out of this bad situation. Now that he was in rehab, he really had a chance. She wouldnotblow this for him. Also, if she didn’t go, she’d just end up dead in a ditch.

But was she really attaching herself to a man called Viper?

Chapter Two

Karl leaned hard on Jennings as he limped across the threshold of the motorcycle club. The guy was bruised and bleeding, but the grin he wore told everybody that he had no regrets about the fight.

As they entered the main room, several Disciples leaped up from the couches they were lounging on. “What the hell happened?” The vice prez, Cole, shook a half-naked woman off him. As she stood, her top slipped down to her waist to reveal a perky breast.

“Had some fun down at Shadowlands.” Jennings assisted Karl to one of the chairs.

As soon as he plopped heavily into it, several club girls came running to fuss over him. While they wrapped around him, a particular brunette moved in toward Jennings. She always tried to work her charms on him. He didn’t welcome her attention.

She lifted a hand toward the cut on his brow. He dodged her but softened the move with a smile.

“Take care of him first.” He twitched his head at Karl. The man required stitches, but would probably settle for a butterfly bandage and live with another scar. He also had a nasty bullet graze on the back of one thigh. He was damn lucky the .44 bullet wasn’t lodged in the muscle—or worse, an artery.

With an exaggerated pout, the brunette moved away, and Jennings sauntered up to Cole to fill him in on the fight.

“Some assholes down at Shadowlands picked a fight with the wrong guy.”

Cole snorted. The man might reek of vodka and the pussy that every woman in the club was all too eager to give him, but Jennings knew he was stone-cold sober and as serious as a stroke.

“You guys teach them a lesson?” Cole asked.

He grinned. “One they won’t forget.” While Jennings hadn’t started any of it, hehadfinished it. Just like his momma taught him back in elementary school when a bully picked on him. While that little prick on the school bus taunted him, Jennings held off all four of his big brothers, claiming he’d handle it.

Once they got off the bus, he hung back, knowing the bully would too. He still remembered his brothers all glancing at him over their shoulders, prepared to jump in. He waved them off.

The kid threw a punch, but he never even got in a full swing before Jennings knocked him out cold with one jab.

Cole eyed him up. “Let one of the girls clean up that cut on your brow.”

“I got it.” He started toward the bathroom where one of many first-aid kits scattered throughout the clubhouse was stashed.
