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Janine laughed. “Hurry! Enjoy your night.” She sent her a wink.

Wren rushed to the employee area and grabbed her handbag. By the time she reached the front and set eyes on the big, tall man in black leather, her stomach was doing flips.

He twisted toward the door as soon as it opened. Dark eyes struck her, filling her with liquid heat.

She lengthened her strides. Jennings met her halfway. She tucked her purse over her shoulder to loop her arms around his neck. Going on tiptoe, she captured his mouth.

A deep growl rumbled in his chest. Angling his head, he deepened the caress but didn’t claim her with the same level of heat he reserved for the bedroom. Instead, he brushed his mouth tenderly over hers once…twice.

They pulled apart. The corner of his lips quirked. “You missed me, huh?”

“Maybe I didn’t get enough of you after that surprise visit.”

The other corner of his mouth hitched up. Her breath caught in her chest. When Jennings smiled, the dark, dim parts of the world—and her existence—lit up with a warm golden glow.

“Ready to ride?”

She nodded, and he led her to the bike with a hand on her spine. Tingles swept through her and a knot tightened low in her belly.

They only drove a short distance before he took a turn that he never had before.

“Where are we going?” She raised her voice to be heard.

He didn’t answer her, but seconds later they stopped. He cut the engine and pivoted his head to look back at her. “We need to talk.”

That warmth in her veins turned to ice. “About what?”

“Things are happening. In two days, this will all be over, Wren.”

“The op? Or…”

He twisted even more. “Were you going to say ‘us?’ Hell no, baby. If everything goes to plan, I’ll be out of this op by the end of the week. I have to go out of town first. I made arrangements for you.”

Her heart lurched. “What kind of arrangements?” Suddenly, she felt like a pet that needed care when the owner went on vacation.

“I need you to be seen with me. We’ll go to the bar. Pick up food for the club. Then one of my teammates from Sentry will take you somewhere safe.”

An entire iceberg sat in her stomach, deadly and spiked.

“You think I’m still in danger?”

“We both are. I can’t take any more risks with you than I already have.”

She curled her fingers around his bicep. “You’ve done so much for me, Jennings.”

He didn’t look convinced. She traced the line of his crinkled brow with the pad of her thumb. Then she dropped her forehead to his neck, breathing in the scent of leather and man.

“I never thought I’d have something like this with any man. Jennings, I—”

He cut across her. “Don’t say it now, Wren.”

She pinched her eyes shut. Pain stabbed through her. He didn’t need to explain why he didn’t want her admissions right now. Somehow, she understood that the timing wasn’t right.

She’d take what she could get. Right this moment, she had her arms around the man she loved, and he cared about her enough to keep her safe.

When he started the engine again, she tightened her hold on him, imprinting the feel of his strong body in her mind as they took the turns. Minutes later, they parked in front of the Shadowlands.

With his arm slung around her shoulders, he made a show of entering the bar with her. Going from the bright evening sunshine to the dark wood-paneled walls made her blink to adjust her eyes. Jennings didn’t seem to have the same trouble, though, and walked with confidence up to the bar.
