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There, he stopped and turned to her. “You hungry? What do you say about grabbing a couple burgers and fries for ourselves?”

“Yeah, babe. That sounds good,” she simpered, hanging on him the way she’d seen the girls drape themselves on the Disciples in the club.

He patted her ass. “Want to grab us a place to sit and I’ll order?”

“Sure thing.” She wandered away from him, suddenly aware of a lot of eyes on her. And probably on Jennings too. His reason for sending her away was clear—he needed to exchange some information or speak to somebody.

Next to the table she chose sat an old jukebox. Distracted, she leaned over it and started reading the song titles.

A few feet away, she caught movement through one of the few windows in this place.

Her heart froze. Air trapped in her throat.

The car.

The one from the nursing home. The very same car that she’d snapped a photo of and sent to Lexis.

Slowly, she turned to glance at Jennings.

“That’s her,” someone from the next table hissed to his companion. “The nurse. His sister.”

Heart thundering, she battled with the decision to stay or run. One thing she was certain of: she had to get to Jennings.

“Call him. Tell him she’s here in the bar. The nurse sister is here. She was with the dead drug dealer.”

She clenched her fingers on the glass of the jukebox. The titles blurred in her vision.

To rush out would only alert these men who were discussing her as if she weren’t standing mere feet away after her.

But if they knew who she was, then they probably knew Jennings too.

“That biker was at the church too,” the man said in a low rumble to his companion. “Tell him the biker is with the nurse. He killed the drug dealer.”

Terror blasted through Wren. TheyknewJennings killed Viper? If so, why had they waited for so long to find Jennings? A man of his size and confidence was far from invisible, especially in a town like this.

He’d told her this this op was ending. But how?

That car was outside. And in here, people knew them. Knew what they’d done.

When she cast him a look over her shoulder, he took one glance at her face and broke off the conversation he was having with the bartender. He started toward her.

She spun and rushed to his side, even more aware that every set of eyes in the bar pinned on them.

He clasped her hand hard enough to crack her bones and yanked her to the door. As soon as they cleared the entrance, he ordered, “Run!”

Fear clutching at her stomach, she shot forward with Jennings dragging her to his bike.

“Get on!” He jumped on in front her. She barely had her thighs locked around him and her arms around his middle before the bike roared to life and they made a break for the road.

Chapter Sixteen

Jennings thought his days of speed were over. But he never guessed that he’d be involved in a chase with the woman he loved on the back of his bike.

Just knowing that she was a target sent his instincts into overdrive. He punched the gas and hit a speed that would snap both their necks if he struck so much as a pebble.

He had no destination in mind—just get out of town, hide Wren.

He glanced down at the gas gauge and his stomach bottomed out. Hell, he probably left his balls half a mile back on the road when he felt the chug of the engine that told him the tank was on empty.
