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The nightmare was back in full force complete with the smell and the dingy beige walls of the back room where Viper had brought her.

Jennings tried another door, found it unlocked too, and they slipped into the dark room.

Her heart beat so loud that she couldn’t hear a thing. She saw his lips moving and knew he was speaking to someone on the phone but didn’t make out a word.

Suddenly, his head snapped up, his gaze directed at the closed door.

“Fucking hell!” He latched on to her wrist and towed her across the room. “We have to hide.”


His eyesight in the dark was far superior to hers. She hadn’t even seen the coffin until he cracked it open.

“In here.”

She shook her head. “No way!”

Footsteps sounded. The door cracked open.

Jennings threw himself into the coffin, dragging her in behind him. She landed on his hard body, knocking the air out of her lungs. What did it matter if she couldn’t breathe? They were going to die anyway.

Then Jennings snaked out an arm and lowered the lid on top of them, sealing their fate.

Chapter Seventeen

Darkness swallowed them. The harsh rasp of Wren’s breaths filled the space. He had to calm her down.

His idea to jump inside the coffin might be up there on the list with killing Viper. His team would never let him live that down either. His brothers would bring it up every time they got together and bust him about it.

If the guys who entered the room planned to load the coffin with drugs, he and Wren were fucked.

His weapon lay along his spine, out of reach.

First on the list—soothe Wren. It probably wasn’t the right time to tell her about Lark getting locked in one of these coffins.

His arm was locked behind her. There was little space in this thing, but he managed to shift his arm into a more comfortable position to hold her. He also brushed his lips over her temple.

“It’s okay, baby,” he murmured in the lowest voice possible.

She shivered but didn’t respond. Long seconds passed where neither spoke. Beyond the walls of their tomb he heard shuffling noises, and then voices.

“Take everything here to the sanctuary. Boss’s orders.”

Sanctuary. In his mind’s eye, Jennings saw the mausoleum where they’d loaded drugs into the drawers.

“Every single thing? Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Nothing left behind.”

“We’ve never done that before. We only move things in small runs.”

“I know. But this is what we were told to do, so shut your gob and get to work.”

Jennings’s mind raced. They were sitting ducks here. His impulse to hide Wren was a bad one, but fighting his way out of the situation came with more risks. Now they were screwed. Without his gun, they were dead.

With his lips at Wren’s temple, he murmured, “Reach underneath me and get my gun.”

She gave a small, swift shake her of head, the movement miniscule in the tight space. “I can’t.”
