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She looks different in sleep, softer. Those fierce eyes that can pin a man in his place with just a glance are now hidden behind closed lids. Her full lips are slightly parted, her breathing deep and rhythmic. For all the fire and fierceness I know she carries, when she sleeps, she appears almost delicate, fragile.

As I watch her, she stirs, those keen eyes of hers cracking open and locking onto mine. That familiar spark, always lurking just beneath the surface, is there, but it's accompanied by a hint of mischief.

“Enjoying the view?” she teases, her voice raspy from sleep, but the playful undertone is evident.

It's a moment of lightness, of shared banter that helps break the tension of the moments-after. It’s not lost on either of us that the dynamic has shifted, that there's an underlying current now that neither of us had truly been prepared for.

The room has that post-coital calmness to it, our breaths syncing in the quiet. Ana's fingers trace absent patterns on my chest. I feel her sigh more than I hear it. "Viktor..." she begins, hesitating, weighing what she wants to say next.

I tighten my grip around her slightly, feeling that familiar spike of worry. "You think we should tell him?" It isn't a question I want to ask, but it's one that needs to be raised.

She frowns slightly, her gaze distant, "I mean, he's my brother. But then, we're both grown-ups, Samuil. We shouldn't need his approval for... this," she says, motioning vaguely between us.

"I respect him," I reply, my voice low and contemplative. "If we're going to be, you know, something, then he should be aware."

"But what if this was just a momentary lapse in judgment?" she counters, a playful glint in her eyes, though I can tell she's half-joking.

I chuckle, but it’s short-lived. "Then why add drama to it? Let it be our little secret."

She raises an eyebrow, her lips tugging into a sly grin. "So then, what are we, Samuil?"

I meet her gaze squarely, feeling that familiar weight in the pit of my stomach. "I don't know, Ana. This is new. Do we need to label it? Complicate things?"

She shrugs, her fingers stilling on my skin. "Not everything needs a label.”

My mind races. It’s a conversation I hadn't been prepared for, but I should've seen coming. “Let’s not add pressure. Let's see where this goes. Have some fun," I suggest, trying to keep the atmosphere light, though the importance of the conversation isn't lost on either of us.

She grins, her mood visibly lifted. “I like the sound of that.”

Our agreement hangs in the air between us, a pact of sorts. Only time will tell where this leads, but for now, we're content to let the future remain unwritten.

My phone vibrates aggressively on the nightstand, the illumination from its screen an unwelcome interruption in the dimly lit room. I reach for it, already knowing that late night texts are rarely good news. The message is simple but telling,Van's been spotted at the Black Diamond. Poker game.

I mutter a curse. The Black Diamond, one of our Bratva's less conspicuous, illegal underground dens. High stakes, higher egos. Perfect place for a snake like Van.

"I gotta go," I say, moving to get dressed, the weight of responsibility settling on my shoulders.

"You going without me?" Ana's voice cuts through the silence. I glance back to see her sitting upright, sheets pooling at her waist, the fierce glint in her eyes speaking volumes.

I sigh. "You should stay here. It could get dangerous." But as the words leave my lips, I realize how empty they sound. This is Anastasia, fear isn't in her vocabulary.

She hops out of bed, swiftly collecting her clothing. "You think I'm just gonna lie here while you chase down my brother’s would-be killer? Think again, big guy."

I can't resist pulling her close, my hands on her waist. “Just promise me you'll stay close to me. No rogue-hero moments, okay?”

She tilts her head, lips brushing mine. “Promise if you do.”

We head out into the night, the promise of danger in the air. I’m not sure how much I like the idea of Anastasia walking into said danger, but I feel ready for whatever the underworld has to throw our way.

Chapter 10


Who the hell is this man I'm with?

As we near the entrance of the club, I find myself genuinely puzzled. The Black Diamond—notoriously known for its backroom deals and illicit activities—looms ahead. The building itself is an enigmatic structure; tall, dark, and seemingly void of any life, save for the faint thump of bass resonating through the thick walls and the soft, neon glow of the club's namesake. At the door, two hulking figures stand guard, their size and demeanor clearly indicating that this isn't the place for casual visitors.

Samuil, a man I've always seen as protective, maybe even a bit overbearing, seems to morph into something else as we walk. I've heard the stories, I've seen the scars, and I've even witnessed a few of his fights, but this? This is different. This is him in his element, the feared lieutenant of the Bratva, the man whose reputation is whispered about in dark corners and hushed tones.
