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As the clock nears midnight, the world fades away. There's no hospital, no Ana fighting for her life, no weight of responsibility. There's only the mission, the vengeance, the reckoning that our enemies are about to face.

Tonight the Romanians will regret ever crossing paths with the Bratva. Tonight is for Ana, for everything they've taken from us. I’m going to make sure they pay tenfold. With righteousness and resolve in my heart, I prepare for the fight ahead.

Chapter 25


The growl of our vehicles' engines fills the stillness of the night. Our convoy of blacked-out vans snakes its way toward the warehouse, through the clear coldness, a heavy weight of anticipation bearing down on all of us.

Inside the lead van, Andrei sits beside me, focus and determination set in the sharp lines of his face. It was his decision to put me in charge tonight, a trust I value and a weight I bear with pride.

With one glance over my shoulder, I lock eyes with the men behind me—battle-hardened and loyal to the bone. My throat tightens. I clear it, grabbing a small mic attached to the dashboard. Connecting with the other vans, my voice fills the enclosed space, resolute and clear.

"We've always had a code," I begin, my voice steady. "Violence is a last resort. Unfortunately, tonight is one of those nights when it's most likely a necessity."

A murmur of agreement ripples through the van, and I imagine it echoing through the others as well.

Roman chimes in, his smirk evident in his voice. "Also, fellas, word has it they've got quite the stash at their HQ. Let’s say there'll be bonuses for everyone after this."

A few chuckles break the tension. Trust Roman to lighten the mood before a battle.

Our vans approach the designated area. The towering silhouette of the warehouse looms against the moonlit night, an ominous reminder of what lies ahead. The distant rumble of the city fades, replaced by the steady beat of my heart and the whispered prayers of my men.

As we pull to a stop, hidden from the immediate view of the warehouse, I prepare to exit the van, the door sliding open smoothly. The cold air fills my lungs, sobering and sharp.

With a final look at my brothers and my men, determination courses through me. "It's time," I declare. "For Ana, for our family, for Moscow."

Weapons ready, hearts steadfast, we move into the shadows with expert precision, prepared for the mêlée ahead.

Roman walks up to me with a grin. "You know, for a guy named Fists, that was quite the Shakespearean performance back there," he teases.

I snort, nudging him playfully with my elbow. "What can I say? I'm a man of many talents."

We gather, forming a small circle as the rest of our foot soldiers fan out, securing the perimeter and watching for any unexpected moves from the Romanians. Andrei, ever the strategist, pulls out a rudimentary map of the warehouse. Roman, Damien, Leo, and I lean in to study it. The five of us have been through countless operations together, our bond forged through shared danger and a dedication to the family.

"Alright," I begin, pointing to the east side of the warehouse. "There are fewer guards here. We'll approach from this angle. Roman, Leo, you're on distraction. Set up on the west side. Damien," I pause, meeting his eyes, "You and your team will take the north side. I want those guards dropped silently. We can't afford any alarms."

Damien nods, the gleam in his eyes showing he's up for the challenge. "Consider it done."

I continue. "Once we're in, we group together, form a tight unit, and push forward with overwhelming force. We want them confused, scared. That's how we get the upper hand."

With everyone in agreement, we split up, getting into our respective positions. The distant hum of the city provides a deceptive calm, belying the intensity of the situation.

I creep closer to the warehouse, the solid ground beneath my boots centering me. Every step is calculated, meticulous, muted. Up ahead, I spot the first patrolman. He's pacing, distracted.

Closing the distance between us in a few silent strides, I come up behind him. Using one arm to clamp over his mouth, I pull him backward, using my other hand to execute a pressure point maneuver that leaves him unconscious but alive. Setting him down gently, I signal to the rest to move forward.

With every takedown, our confidence grows. But we're also acutely aware that the true battle lies ahead.

We regroup on the opposite side of the warehouse, the lot now fully secured. Andrei, Damien, Roman, Leo, and I meet in a tight huddle, the rest of our crew waiting a few steps back, their gazes alert and weapons ready. The distant rattle of a passing train echoes through the night, momentarily shrouding our conversation.

"Alright," I begin, my voice low and focused, "What comes next is what the Americans call 'shock and awe.’ We go in hard and fast. They won't see it coming."

Leo grins, twirling a knife in his hand. "I like it."

Damien nods in agreement. "We've got one shot at this. Let's make it count."

I lock eyes with each of my brothers. This isn't just about vengeance for Ana, it's about setting a precedent, asserting our dominance in a world that respects nothing but power.
