Page 28 of Thin Ice

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“Don’t joke about this.” She turned his head to the left and then the right. “Any pain or stiffness in your head or neck? I can take an X-ray to check for broken bones.”

Lennox’s hands covered hers and he leaned in close enough that his nose brushed hers. “Stop worrying about my head. It’s fine.”

“I can’t stop worrying.” She whispered the words so low I almost missed them, but we all noticed the way her fingers curled over Lennox’s cheeks. His long hair fell forward into his eyes and she brushed it back with a careful hand.

“You’re pretty shaken up about this.” I stayed beside Lennox and watched her face flicker through a range of emotions.

She lowered her hands. Lennox caught them and kissed her knuckles, eliciting another heated blush on her cheeks.

Justin cursed low and fierce under his breath. “No fucking way.”

I’d never seen anyone this distraught over a fall on the ice. Lucy looked Lennox up and down. “Come on. I need to check your knee. And you can complete the concussion protocol once I find it. But you really should let someone else check out your head.” She pulled her hands from his and backtracked to the counter where her filing cabinet sat. The top drawer opened with a screech that rattled my eardrums. “You shouldn’t go back on the ice if you have a concussion.”

“I don’t have a concussion.” Lennox glowered at me. “You should have left that alone.”

I snorted and crossed my arms. “Sure. Whatever you say, man.”

“Guys, chill.” Justin smacked my back then squeezed Lennox’s shoulder. “We have other things to focus on.” His eyes were glued to Lucy.

I didn’t blame him. She had us all wrapped around her little finger. What did that mean, and what were we going to do about it? Would she even admit that she liked all of us, including Lennox?

“Why are you so worried about Lennox?” I dragged the question out into the quiet and let it linger.

Justin grimaced and palmed his mouth while shooting daggers at me.

I shrugged. Why shouldn’t I ask? We all had a right to know if she was attracted to Lennox too. It might help if I told her that Justin knew we’d slept together too.



Iignored Zachary’s question. I didn’t have an answer that I wanted to admit out loud in front of all three of them, and a lie wouldn’t pass my lips without faltering. Worry overtook me in a crushing embrace that made it hard to breathe.

The constant chug from my heater ground into the silence that lingered between us. I riffled through the filing cabinet, my fingers flying over the papers. What did I remember about concussions? I should have remembered more from my basic classes or brushed up on it before the games started. But I hadn’t expected to be the one they’d bring players to with head injuries. The sight of Lennox crashing onto the ice burst through my mind. My hand stilled on the cabinet, and I gripped the edges to stay upright when my legs went weak. I had to toughen up. I couldn’t fall apart every time one of them got hurt. I’d never make it through a game if I went weak in the knees.

“Can you check my knee and get me out of here?” Lennox sounded worn out but steady.

Justin shifted in my peripheral. “Lucy will take care of you.” There was something in his voice that I couldn’t quite place.

I ignored that too and turned away from the filing cabinet. “I can’t find the concussion protocol. I’ll go through it the best I can.” I stalked over to stand in front of him where he sat squeezed between Zachary and Justin. His eyes met mine and they were clear, the fight returning to them. “Are you feeling dizzy?”


“Lightheaded or sick to your stomach?” I could do this. I could ignore Zachary and Justin and focus on the problem in front of me. I just had to remember the steps and not get distracted.

“Nope.” His lip twitched in a half smile.

“Any double vision or headache?”

Zachary made a noise when Lennox shook his head no.

“What?” I asked Zachary.

Zachary looked at Lennox, then over at Justin. He seemed about to say something, but then shook his head. “When he first woke up, he said he saw three of me.”

“You were completely unconscious?” Shocked, I took a step back and reached for my phone. “You need to have a CAT scan.”

“No.” Lennox scowled at Zachary. “I was out for a few seconds. And all that about seeing three of him was a joke.” He backhanded Zachary in the chest. “My head is fine. Check my knee and let me go.”
