Page 31 of Thin Ice

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Justin snorted out a laugh. “Oh, there are a few things up in here.” He eyed me with a broad smile. “Lennox and Zachary are getting a few X-rays. We’ll be back as soon as Lucy handles the situation.”

That damned smirk widened, and he gave me and Lucy a pointed look that said he wasn’t about to let either of us off the hook.

She flushed and tossed her ponytail over her shoulder. “Sorry, Greg. It’s taking a little longer than I expected. Still getting used to the portable X-ray machine.” She waved vaguely at the room.

“Can’t you do that after the game?” Greg moved further into the room, and Zachary angled his body like he thought I needed protecting from the older man.

Well, my dick tenting my pants might be a bit of a problem. Even Greg’s unpleasant arrival didn’t calm my desire, though it did dampen it considerably. “We’ll be there in a bit.” My voice came out with a flash of temper. “Let Lucy do her job.”

Greg’s lips pressed into a flat line. “Just doing my job, Lennox.”

“Yeah, well, so is Lucy. She has to clear me before I can get back on the ice. I’m not risking this knee for one game when we’re still at the beginning of the season.” It was a ballsy lie. I’d said the exact opposite minutes ago, but no one called me out on it.

Lucy made her way to the counter, grabbed a notepad and pen, and scribbled something on it. “Tell Dad that I’m working as fast as I can.” She ripped off the slip of paper and handed it to Greg. “He might want his players on the ice now, but if he wants them the whole season, he needs to let me do my job.” She reiterated my words with a sharp tap of the pen on the counter.

We all wanted to win this season and get into the championship. But that didn’t mean Lucy was going to let anyone push her into releasing us before she was satisfied.

Greg took the paper, pinching it between his thumb and forefinger. “Yeah, okay. I’ll tell Coach.” His steps made soft shushing sounds on the concrete and the door closed.

I dropped back onto the bed with a crackle of paper. “Fuck.” The back of my head ached from the fall, and I pummeled my fist into the side of the bed.

Lucy took my hand. “Stop that.”

“Why?” I curled my fingers together and stared up at the ceiling. “Let’s get this over with so we can finish the game.”

Hurt flashed over her face, followed by a tightening of her hand on mine. “You don’t have to leave.”

“Yeah. I do.” I held onto the bed with my other hand and tried to ignore the softness of her hand in mine. There were so many things I wanted her to do with that hand, but if this was all I’d ever get, I wanted to remember this feeling forever. “I have to get out of this room, Lucy. I have to leave before I put you in a position that risks ruining your reputation. I’m too much of a risk.”

I believed that with all my heart and soul. I’d always been a risk. Even my mother admitted it when I was a kid. No one wanted to take a chance on me until I met Zachary and Justin. They were more than my friends. They were the only two people in the world who knew my shitty history and still wanted to be my friends. I’d do anything for them.

“No.” Her hand spasmed around mine. “Lennox, I already put my reputation on the line when I slept with Justin.”

I’d known they slept together. Hearing her say it should not make me want her more, but it did. “That was okay.” I dragged a hand through my hair. “We’re in your office. It’s different. Anyone could walk in, and if they catch us, even like this.” Iheld up our entwined hands. “Coach would have my head on a platter.”

Jealousy bit deep at the reminder that she’d slept with Justin. I tried to ignore it, but a gnawing anger chewed on my bones.

“No one is making Lucy have sex,” Zachary growled out. His hands fisted at his sides, and he raked Lucy over with a heated look that sent another burst of jealousy tearing through me.

“This is ridiculous.” Lucy pulled away from me and paced back and forth across the narrow room.

We should be leaving. We should walk out right now and get back on the ice where we belonged. Like fools, we stayed put and watched Lucy cross her arms and spin around to face the three of us. “My entire career rests on this going well for me.” She motioned at the room. “How the fuck did we get here?”

“Well, Lennox took a hit. And then you made us come here.” Justin’s taunting grin made me want to punch him in the face. I loved the guy like a brother, which meant he was damned infuriating.

Lucy rolled her eyes and sighed. “Stop being a jackass. You know what I mean. I don’t regret sleeping with you.” She met my eyes and her posture curled in what looked like defeat. “Lennox, I slept with Zachary too.”

I jerked upright, barely shoving away the urge to grab Zachary’s collar and drag him over for an explanation.

“I don’t regret that either.” Lucy continued. “We had sex right there on that bed.” She pointed to where I lay.

“You bastard.” I kept my voice low enough that it didn’t carry. “What about all that shit you spouted? What about Lucy’s reputation?”

She resumed her pacing, and we were all spellbound. I tried to tear my gaze away, but all I could think about was Lucy and Zachary. Lucy and Justin. Damn them.

“This is crazy.” She placed her palms on her temples and raised her head. A vein pulsed low in her throat.

Fuck. I wanted to bury my head in the curve of her neck and kiss that spot. I wanted to feel it speed up as I made her come.
