Page 32 of Thin Ice

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“I came here to work. Not to have sex.” Lucy’s voice rose and fell as she turned away. “Dad will never forgive me if he finds out I had sex with one of you. Much less that I did it with two.” She shot a look at me. “Or three.”

“You’re killing me.” I swung my legs over the side of the bed. “Come on. Lucy’s right. We shouldn’t be here.”

“That’s not what I meant.” She rushed over and set her hands on my shoulders. “I like you Lennox. I’ve thought about sex with you more than I want to admit.”

Justin stepped around the table. “If you wanted him, all you had to do was say so.” He jerked his head. “Zachary and I can watch the door.”

“No.” I shook my head and tried to move away from Lucy’s touch. “I’m not going to risk Lucy like that.”

“What about the game?” Lucy asked. Her hands slid up from the pads on my shoulders to the sides of my neck. She drew in a shaky breath. “You’re supposed to be on the ice.”

Zachary came to my rescue. He clapped a hand to the center of my back. “Worst we’ll get is a scolding from Coach. Well worth it, in my opinion.”

“Stop.” I gripped Lucy’s wrists until she looked at me. “You don’t have to do this. I’m not some charity case that needs you to have pity sex. It’s not worth the risk.”

She chewed on her lip and a spark of something flashed in her eyes, followed by a grin. “I don’t think anyone could accuse me of having pity sex with anyone. Much less you. I’m doing this because it’s what I want.” She took a step closer, moving between my knees so we were chest to chest. “And right now, I want you.”

Who the hell was I to say no to that?

Justin and Zachary shifted and backed toward the door. “We’ll be out here,” Justin said with a wink. “Call out if you need us.”

“I think I know what I’m doing,” I retorted sharply. I did know. I knew I was about to have sex with the one woman I should be avoiding at all costs. Risk. Reward. The two wobbled back and forth on an invisible scale. Lucy claimed she wanted this, but what would happen afterward?

“Wait.” Lucy held out a hand toward Justin. “This is going to sound crazy.”

We all froze except for Justin. He walked over to Lucy with all the confidence in the world and kissed her cheek. “Nothing is crazy when it comes to you.”

Her breath whooshed out. “Would you…” she trailed off and licked her lips again. Her eyes held mine for a second before they darted away again. “Would you stay in here with us? Lock the door and keep an eye out… but stay in the room?”



Aslow, sensual heat built in my belly and spread lower. I was going to do this. Again. Every breath felt tighter than the one before. The heat spooled tighter as Lennox’s nostrils flared. He glanced at Zachary, then Justin.

“I never should have said anything.” It was ridiculous. What was I thinking when I asked them to stay? “Forget it.” I tried to wave them off, but Lennox captured my hands and brought them to his lips.

“Is that what you want? For them to watch?” His voice dropped to a rich bass that sent shivers of heat rushing through me.

I loved this feeling. I never wanted it to stop. “Only if they want to.” I hated the moment of insecurity wrapping around me. I should not be doing this. Having sex with Justin was one thing. Zachary another. But this, having sex in my office with Lennox while the others watched, was so far beyond my normal that I couldn’t breathe.

“I’m staying.” Justin eyed Zachary and reached for the door. “In or out?”

The sound of his husky voice and Lennox’s rapid breaths gave me the jolt of courage needed to look at Zachary. His eyes flashed as he took a step into the light and reached back to flip the lock on the door. “Staying.”

Holy shit. I’d really done it now. They’d still stop if I changed my mind. I knew I should but damned if I would.

The game continued not a hundred yards away. I was keeping them from joining their team, but none of them seemed to mind that we were breaking every rule my dad had laid out between us. I couldn’t help myself. Something about these three men made me throw caution to the wind.

I slid my hands around Lennox’s neck and leaned in to kiss him. My fingers tangled in his long hair still damp with sweat. He slanted his mouth over mine and his hands found my hips. He pulled me closer until I hit the edge of the exam table.

Knowing Justin and Zachary stood behind me, watching, turned me reckless. I opened my mouth for Lennox and groaned when he eased his hands beneath my shirt. My skin was on fire, and his slow stroke across my hips stoked the flames.

He broke off the kiss long enough to yank his chest pads and shirt off and throw them aside. They hit the ground with a loud clatter, and I managed a quick laugh before his lips were on mine. He devoured me with that kiss. His tongue explored my mouth in a slow caress. I arched into him, sliding my hands along his strong shoulders and down the ridges of his spine.

“Beautiful,” Justin said in a ragged breath behind me.

Zachary grunted, and I turned my head far enough to see the two of them leaning against the wall on either side of the door. Justin shoved his hand down his pants and winked while he tugged on his cock.
