Page 65 of Thin Ice

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Amen and amen. I couldn’t have said it better myself. “For those who are wondering, I will continue my work in women’s and children’s rights in sports. Who we love is an important part of our lives. Women deserve the right to love whomever they please, just as they deserve the right to skate onto the ice beside their male hockey counterparts. This dividing line that pits men against women is ridiculous and archaic. We are better than this.” I stood. “Do better.”

Without another word, we turned and walked away. My heart thumped a rapid beat that had nothing to do with fear.

Fear had no hold over me anymore. We’d just told the world to go to hell. And I’d never been more proud of myself, or my men.

“That went well. All things considered.” Zachary laughed and pulled me into a side hug as we made our way down the stairs. “You were amazing.”

“What do you think they’ll say?” Justin wiggled his eyebrows at all of us, turning to walk backward down the steps.

What would they say about our revelation? Only time would tell.



My phone never rang this much. I ended the call with David fromThe Hockey Expressand ran a hand through my hair as I groaned. I’d known that our coming out would make waves, but I hadn’t anticipated just how many ripples we’d make. I’d been fielding calls for three days. Most to my home number since it was public, but a few managed to dig up my cell number and called so often I’d turned my phone off for hours at a time to get a break.

I scrolled through the latest social media posts, reading a few hateful comments in passing. “No surprise there.”

Zachary looked up from the couch where he’d settled in to watch an old hockey game. “Good or bad?”

I lifted one shoulder. “Both. Mostly good. We knew there would be haters.” I tossed my phone on the counter and dropped onto the couch beside him. “Dad will be here soon with Abigail.”

He snatched a look out the window behind us and grinned. “Maybe I can pick her up from school some days.”

“She’d love that.” Abigail could not get enough of having her father around. She often hugged him like she was afraid he’ddisappear on her. It was heartbreaking in one way but sweet too. She loved him already, and the feeling was mutual.

My phone rang. I let out a groan but swiped it from the side table and checked the screen. “Hey, Emily.”

“Lucy.” Emily’s voice held more excitement than I’d heard from her in a long time. “We’re getting national coverage.” She laughed lightly into my ear. “Your little statement got women all over the country fired up. They’re behind you, girl. One hundred percent. We all are.”

Gratitude bloomed hot in my chest. I leaned my head on Zachary’s shoulder and blinked back tears. Emily might have had some doubts at one point, but they were all gone now. “I’m glad it’s been helpful.” The last thing I’d wanted was for my falling in love to hurt them in any way.

“That press conference was genius.” Emily continued. “We should have thought of doing something like that sooner. I hate that you’re facing backlash from a few parties, but this is gold. Your speech brought more attention to women’s rights in a matter of days than we’ve seen in years.”

“I’m glad.” I really was. I’d never dreamed it would have this big of an impact. Who knew so many people cared about equal rights in sports? We wouldn’t solve the problem overnight, but if we all worked together, we could make an impact that would last for years. Falling in love with three men hadn’t been in my plans, but I wouldn’t take it back for anything.

Zachary kissed the top of my head. An engine growled outside and we both turned. “Abigail’s home. Can I call you tomorrow? We’ll toss around some ideas for where to go next.”

“Sure. Sure.” Emily laughed again. “Tell Abigail I said hello.”

“I will. Thanks.” I hung up and stood, pulling Zachary to his feet beside me.

Dad stepped out of the car and opened Abigail’s door. She hopped out, her backpack bouncing against her hip and hersmile bright as sunshine. After hugging her Gramps around his knees, she raced for the house.

Zachary opened the door and was on a knee when Abigail threw her arms around him. “You’re still here.” She squeezed extra tight and kissed his cheek before letting go and grabbing me around the legs. Blue eyes stared up at me. “Gramps said it’s going to snow soon. I want you and Daddy to make snow angels with me. We can have a whole family of them in the yard.”

Dad paused at the doorway. “Might even get enough for a few snowmen. Heard it’s going to be a nasty storm. Make sure you’re stocked up on everything you need for a few days.”

“No problem.” I lifted Abigail into my arms and hugged her. “Any homework today?”

“Nope.” She returned my hug then wiggled free. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she took off like a shot, bolting for her room and calling out to Zachary the whole time.

Dad shook his head. “She’s been talking about you two getting married nonstop. Any chance of that happening?”

“We’re talking about it.” I didn’t go into any further details. “Thanks for bringing her home.”

“No problem. She had a great time at the house. Asked me three times if she could have a puppy for Christmas.” He gave me a mischievous grin. “I told her to ask her daddy.”
