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Anger flashed in her gaze, only it was more than that.

She was trying to hide it, but she was hurt.

Was it possible to feel even worse?

“Just hear me out,” he begged.

She narrowed her eyes. “Fine.”

Crossing her arms over her chest, she stared up at him, fire and defiance in her gaze, and that really shouldn’t get him feeling hot under the collar, but it did.

He didn’t care that she’d just verified that they were alone. He did the same thing she had, glancing around, but he couldn’t talk to her like this, one eye constantly looking over his shoulder.

“Come on.”

He tipped his head toward the spare office behind the desk. Keeping her feet planted, she cocked a brow at him, and he shot a glance skyward before holding out a hand. “Please?”

With a gruff sigh, she rolled her eyes but then consented to follow him. Once they were both inside, he closed the door and flipped the lock.

He turned to look at her. Her posture was still closed and defensive, and he hated that. But what could he do? How could he get them back to the place they’d been the other night—all smiles and quiet confidences—without going too far?

“Look, Zoe.” He was making this up as he went along, barreling ahead without a plan. “I’m sorry. Really.”

“For what?” She tipped her chin up, the stubborn set to her jaw driving him to distraction. She started counting things off on her fingers. “For almost kissing me? Because if so, screw you. Or for jumping away from me like I’m a leper? Because if so, also screw you.” She started advancing on him, her voice rising. “Or for treating me like a freaking child, the way everybody in my life does?” She was right in his space again, her eyes on fire. “Because if so”—she reached out and jabbed him in the chest—“screw”—she did it again—“you.”

He grabbed her by the hand, and oh no. This was too much like the other night. She’d been swatting at him for his teasing then. She was righteously angry now. Guilt churned in his stomach, but his skin was prickling, her hand warm in his. He stroked his thumb over her palm, holding on even though he should let her go.

He should walk right out of this office. Out of this building and maybe off a short pier, but her cheeks were flushed, her eyes bright, and her soft red lips so wet and kissable, he was losing his mind.

“I can’t,” he said. “Your brother—”

“Isn’t my keeper.” She went softer against him, some of the anger fading out of her.

And it was like he couldn’t stop himself.

He drifted closer to her, erasing the gap between them, licks of flame darting across his skin. “I don’t want to be a bad guy.”

He didn’t want to take advantage. He didn’t want to mess things up between them and lose the fragile friendship they’d been building—the one that had already come to mean so much to him.

What could they even have together besides friendship? Her time here in Blue Cedar Falls was clearly a stopgap. She was on her way to bigger and better things. His biggest goal in life was a house in the woods alone. If they crossed this line, it would change things forever. With her. With her family.

Keeper or not, he didn’t want to violate Han’s trust.

She gazed up into his eyes. The liquid brown of her irises melted something inside him. Reaching up, she grazed her fingertips across his cheek.

“You’re not a bad guy, Devin.” Her hand settled tentatively on the side of his neck, and the intimacy of it was almost too much. “I’ve been back home for months, and I swear you’re the first person who’s made me feel like you’re actually listening to me. You care. A lot.” She shook her head gently. “Bad guys don’t do that.”

He swallowed, scarcely able to think with her so close. Without his permission, his arm moved to wrap around her, and that felt so good. She was practically flush against him, warm and soft and smelling like heaven.

All his resolutions went up in smoke.

“This is a terrible idea,” he rasped.


Then she rose onto her toes.

He was going to hell, because he met her halfway. Their mouths crashed together, and that was it. Something snapped inside him. Hauling her in against him, he let himself really feel her. Light exploded behind his eyes. Forget all his worries about the fact that she used to be a kid to him—Zoe Leung was all woman now. Her soft curves fit to his body like they were made to press together. She kissed like the spitfire she was, opening to him, nipping at his lips with her teeth, sucking on his tongue.
