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He pulled back, and she pushed into him until they fell into a rhythm. Pleasure started at the apex of her thighs, spreading outward until all she could see and feel and touch and taste was him. Over and over he drove into her, faster. She scrabbled at him, running her hands all up and down his back and shoulders.

“Zoe, Zo, I can’t—you feel so good—”

“Devin, come on, please, I want—”

He slammed into her another half dozen times.

Her climax tore through her out of nowhere. Her vision flashed to black, and she squeezed every part of herself around him. Driving in deep, he called her name a final time. He pulsed inside her, and her entire world shattered.

Because this wasreal. She’d had sex with Devin James.

What had started as a challenge to see if she could get him to break had turned into a breaking down of her conception of the natural order of the universe.

She still had no real delusions that this could be more than a fling, but the impossible had already happened the instant he’d touched his lips to hers.

As she stared up at his ceiling in wonder, she pressed a hand to the center of his back.

Who knew? Maybe all her notions of what she could and couldn’t have in this world were wrong.

Chapter Nine

Watch out!”

At the sound of Terrell’s shout, Devin jerked his gaze up from his clipboard.

Half his people were raising a section of the house’s frame, Terrell and Gene up on ladders while the rest supported and spotted from below, only something wasn’t right. Devin shot to his feet, gaze swinging wildly, the entire site going into slow motion. There—crap.

Off to the side, Bryce had let go prematurely, and Devin lurched forward, calling his name, but it was too late. Terrell’s grip slipped without anyone to back him up.

The whole thing came crashing down.

Devin raced over. “Is everybody okay?”

“Yeah.” Terrell scrubbed a hand over his face.

Devin checked in with everybody else, and no one had gotten hurt, thank goodness. He appraised the rest of the scene. The damage to the section that had fallen wasn’t that bad, either, but it was still going to set them back a couple of hours—and that was before the headache of writing this up.

“I swore I had it,” Terrell said, climbing down. His eyes narrowed as he glared silently off to the left.

Following his gaze, Devin flexed his jaw. He patted Terrell on the back. “It’s just about lunch time anyway. Take a break, and then we’ll get this cleaned up afterward.”

He and the rest of the crew nodded.

Reassured that they were all okay, Devin stalked to the other side of the building, grinding his teeth together hard enough to crack.

A week had passed since he’d moved up to shift leader, and for the most part it had been going great. The team listened to him, and he’d handled the couple of issues that had arisen without much trouble.

Except Bryce.

Mostly it was little things like unauthorized breaks or screwing around on his phone when he was supposed to be working. Some of it was more serious, like using inappropriate language when talking to the women on the crew. Devin had documented it all, slowly building a case that even the folks who protected him couldn’t ignore.

But this?

“Horton,” he growled.

Bryce looked up from his phone. “What?”

“Don’t ‘what’ me.” Devin wanted to grab the guy’s phone and chuck it in the cement mixer, only that would make a defect in the next house’s foundation. Workers on the site weren’t forbidden from being on them or anything; this wasn’t high school. But when your eyes and hands needed to be on the job, they needed to be on the job. “Where were you?”
