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“Me?” Uh… “I’m good.”

Great, actually. He couldn’t stop the little smile that curled his lips.

Work was less stressful. The bump in his pay from the promotion had finally started showing up in his bank account. Arthur’s recovery was going well.

And then there was the conversation he and Arthur had had the other night.

His leg bobbed up and down in anticipation.

He couldn’t wait to tell Zoe about it. He was leaving after his shift to go pick her up, and he was going to do just that.

It had only been a month since he and Zoe had gone public, but it had been the best month of his entire life. It was like the thing with Bryce; Devin hadn’t grasped how much strain all the secrecy and sneaking around was putting on them both.

But that was behind them now. They were happy and in love. Han was still his best friend—even if he did look at him kind of funny now and then.

Well, he’d get used to it. Devin was in this for the long haul.

And after what he planned to show Zoe this evening, hopefully by the end of the night he’d know she was in it for the long haul, too.

“All right, all right.” Joe shook his head. “I get it—you’re a private guy. Well, I just wanted to let you know that we’re real pleased with how you’ve taken over as shift leader. Your crew’s doing good work. Word on the street is you’ve really turned things around.”

“Oh. Thanks.”

Joe’s raised brows were pointed. “Wasn’t an easy situation you inherited with Horton on your crew. But you handled it like a pro.” With that, Joe pulled open the top drawer of his desk and fished out an envelope. He passed it over. Nodding at it, he said, “Little token of our appreciation.”

Devin blinked in surprise. He glanced at Joe, who motioned for him to go ahead and open it. The check inside stared back at him, and his jaw dropped. “I—I mean—”

People got bonuses pretty regularly around here when things were going well, but this was generous, to say the least. He sputtered for another few seconds before Joe took mercy.

“‘Thank you’ is the phrase you’re looking for, I think.”

Right. “Thank you.”

“You earned it.” Joe closed the drawer and gestured toward the door. “Now get on out of here.”

“Will do.” Devin tucked the check in his pocket. He rose, turned to leave, then stopped and twisted back around. More fervently, he repeated, “Really, Joe. Thank you.”

Devin didn’t think he’d ever fully get rid of his old man’s voice in his head, telling him he’d never amount to anything. But he had a lot of evidence to say otherwise of late. This bonus… the pride in Joe’s eyes… They were the icing on what was already a pretty flipping amazing cake.

By the time he got back outside, the cleanup job was basically done, and folks were getting ready to head out. Devin gave everything one last check over before making his way to his truck. He drove the familiar route to Harvest Home, where Zoe stood outside waiting for him.

She hopped in the cab of the truck and leaned over the gearshift. He threaded his fingers through her silky hair, closed his eyes, and kissed her, and he was really never going to get over that, was he? How good she felt, how sweet she tasted.

How much he loved her.

“Hey,” he managed when she pulled away.

“Hey, yourself.”

The flush to her cheeks and the glazed darkness in her eyes almost derailed him, but he managed to keep his focus. “How’d it go?” he asked. “Your presentation?”

“Good. Really good.” She rolled her eyes. “Clay’s on board with the promotion, and Uncle Arthur was super supportive.”

“And your mom?” That was the part she’d been worried about.

“I’m going to go with ‘begrudgingly accepting.’”

“Hey!” Devin grinned. “So basically wild enthusiasm?”
